Information for Presenters
Poster viewing and discussion with authors is scheduled for Thursday, April 13, 2023, 6:30-8:00pm, during the Poster Session and Reception. Authors are expected to be at their posters during this time.
Poster Size
Each presenter will be provided with a panel to fit a poster in landscape format, no wider than 5 feet. Posters must not exceed these dimensions.
Authors will find their poster number in the program and will have a corresponding poster board for mounting their poster. Maps will be provided when you check in. Posters must be mounted
for display on Thursday, April 13, 2023, 3:00-5:00pm and taken down at 8:00pm. Velcro or pushpins may be used to secure the posters. Pushpins will be available onsite for you to hang your poster. Any posters that are not taken down will be discarded by the conference center or hotel staff.
We recommend EasyTravel™ foldable fabric posters (https://posterpresentations.com/) as an option for those who plan to travel with their poster to the meeting.
Shipping your poster: If you would like to ship your poster to Burlington rather than bring it with you in person, posters can be mailed to the hotel you are staying at, but you will need to address it to yourself, as a hotel guest. We recommend having it arrive when you are already checked into the hotel. You will be responsible for any charges related to shipping and receiving your poster.
Judges will be evaluating poster finalists (selected before the conference) for Excellence in Medical Education awards during the poster session. The awardees will be announced on Friday, April 14. See the awards page for more information.
Oral Abstract Presentations
The format for an abstract is a 10-minutes podium presentation given by no more than two presenters/authors, followed by a 5-minute question-and-answer period. There are typically 4-5 oral abstract presentations in each concurrent session. Session
moderators will keep each presenter to the 15-minute time limit to ensure all presenters have equal time. Presenters should bring a USB drive with their presentation to the room shortly before the official start time of the session so that all
presentations can be loaded onto the computer before the session begins.
Important technology information for presenters:
• For your convenience, each presentation room is equipped with a Windows PC running Microsoft Office. The PC is connected to a large screen and speakers.
• Please bring your presentation on a USB drive.
• The file format of your presentation should be Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT) or Adobe PDF
• If your presentation has associated media, (images, video, audio) please have this media stored on your USB drive, rather than streaming from the internet.
• If you have questions regarding the technology available at the conference, please email amanda.broder@med.uvm.edu
Judges will be evaluating oral abstract presentations finalists (selected before the conference) for Excellence in Medical Education awards throughout the conference. The awardees will be announced on Saturday, April 15.
See the awards page for more information.
Workshops are 75-minutes long. Multimedia presentations should be loaded onto a USB drive and brought to the room 10 minutes before the official start time of the session. All rooms will be equipped with an in-room computer. Workshop presenters can expect white boards and markers in their rooms. Seating capacity for rooms is no more than 40.
Important technology information for presenters:
• For your convenience, each presentation room is equipped with a Windows PC running Microsoft Office. The PC is connected to a large screen and speakers.
• Please bring your presentation (as applicable) on a USB drive.
• The file format of your presentation should be Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT) or Adobe PDF
• If your presentation has associated media, (images, video, audio) please have this media stored on your USB drive, rather than streaming from the internet.
• If you have questions regarding the technology available at the conference, please email amanda.broder@med.uvm.edu
Audiovisual assistance will be available if needed and Wi-F is available through the UVM Guest network. UVM is also a part of the EduRoam federation. Click here to see if your institution participates. Rooms will be set up in workshop style or cluster-style seating.