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Barkhuff Opines on Health Effects of Climate Change in VTDigger

July 24, 2023 by Lucy Gardner Carson

(JULY 24, 2023) “Existing scientific studies show that, as the mercury climbs, so do hospital admissions,” writes Daniel Barkhuff, M.D., assistant professor of emergency medicine, in an opinion piece in VTDigger warning of the health effects of climate change.

Daniel Barkhuff, M.D., assistant professor of emergency medicine

(JULY 24, 2023) “Existing scientific studies show that, as the mercury climbs, so do hospital admissions,” writes Daniel Barkhuff, M.D., assistant professor of emergency medicine, in an opinion piece in VTDigger warning of the health effects of climate change. “Sweltering heat waves, elevated air quality indexes, and floods are the new normal, and so is an average age of 80 on the acute care side of the University of Vermont emergency department. If Vermont cannot scale solutions to climate change and its effect on our aging population, and fast, the results are going to make COVID look tame ... and the trickle-down effects will manifest in health challenges for all.”

Read full story at VTDigger

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