Pilot Projects Program

Have a Good Idea? We'll Help You Grow It

Our mission is to improve health in our region. If you have an idea--or even the seed of one--talk to us. The NNE-CTR funds projects for the initiation of preclinical, clinical, or translational research. The NNE-CTR will help you every step of the way, including the application process, study design, collaborators, and IRB approval. Advance your career with research and professional development support through the NNE-CTR's Pilot Projects Program. 



The Details


  • Pilot Project Awards provide one year of seed funding. 
  • All project leads and co-leads on the application must be registered with the NNE-CTR. (Need to become a member? Learn more about membership and sign up here!)
  • The NNE-CTR supports projects ranging from clinically relevant bench science to public health initiatives and assessment of clinical outcomes.
  • Collaboration is key: Broad collaborations, particularly across our three-state area, are encouraged. This includes project investigators, leads and co-leads, mentors, specialists, community groups and non-profits. It's never too early to start collaborating, and we're happy to help you build your team. Consult with the NNE-CTR Pilot Project Program co-leads, Rob Koza and Janet Stein for guidance.


Click here for Application Materials and How-To Guides

Some Previous Research Topics ...


Your Pilot Project and Your Core Leads 

Our core leads (below) play a pivotal role in assisting investigators throughout the project cycle. We do that in the following ways: 

  • Serving as a first point of contact for inquiries about the program
  • Connecting investigators with one of our experienced research navigators to assist with conceptualization, research design, application development, and compliance with IRB and IACUC requirements.
  • Meetings as needed throughout the pilot project period to ensure smooth progress as well as to address challenges and opportunities.
  • Arranging presentations of research progress and assessment of applications.
  • Guidance with data collection throughout pursuit of the pilot project and assistance with data analysis and incorporation of findings into interim and final report.
  • Connecting investigators to other NNE-CTR initiatives and collaborators.

Our Team

RobKoza pic_tif (002)Rob Koza
Core Lead


Janet Stein headshot

Janet Stein, PhD
University of Vermont
Core Co-Lead

Meet Past Awardees:

Become a Member

Applicants are required to register as NNE-CTR members in order to be eligible for a pilot award. Learn more about the free benefits of membership, and join today!

Resources to Help You Get Started

NNE-CTR Pilot Projects LOI Information Session 7/12/2024

Click the link above to view the Pilot Project Information Session hosted by Core Leads Dr. Rob Koza and Dr. Janet Stein. The session is a primer on the Pilot Project proposal process, including requirements and tips for submitting a Letter of Intent and eligibility requirements and budgetary guidelines involved.

NNE-CTR Pilot Project Navigator Training Session 8/2023

Click the link above to view the Pilot Project Navigator Training Session hosted by hosted by Michele Locker, NNE-CTR Grant Specialist, Kimberly Luebbers, Professional Development Core Lead, and Melissa Graham, MaineHealth Regulatory Specialist. The session focuses on the regulatory requirements involved in pilot project grants (based on NIH guidelines). It's beneficial to pilot project applicants who wish to learn more about the application requirements as well as to our own NNE-CTR navigators and analysts.

NNE-CTR Full Application Workshop 9/2023

Click the link above to view the Pilot Project and Joint Catalyst Award Full Application Workshop hosted by Pilot Project Core Leads Dr. Rob Koza (MH) and Dr. Janet Stein (UVM LCOM). The session introduced Round 8 applicants to the NNE-CTR Service Core Leads and team members who stand ready to assist investigators in creating fundable applications for our grant awards. A walkthrough of the full application process then followed, with a robust Q&A.  Go to Round 8 Pilot Project/Joint Catalyst Award Applicant Workshop for the slide deck.