Weekly Wire Banner

January 23 - 29, 2023

The WeeklyWire is an official communication tool of the Larner College of Medicine. Student feedback led to its development and continues to inform iterative improvements. All non-curriculum-related email communications are directed through The WeeklyWire to help support manageable email inboxes for our students; it's a one-stop-shop for all med school happenings outside of the classroom!

Please do not hesitate to contact the Office of Medical Education with any questions.

* = All postings flagged with an asterisk are not UVM-sponsored/endorsed

A Note to Online Viewers: If viewing the browser-based issue of the WeeklyWire,
all hyperlinks, below, will open in a separate browser window/tab.


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    WEEKLY UVM Larner Med FYIs

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    Be sure to review this section for any announcements regarding student wellness! If you ever have any questions about this section, it's postings, or any wellness topics, please do not hesitate to contact our Director of Student Well-being, Dr. Lee Rosen or reach out to one of your Larner College of Medicine Wellness Committee representatives.


    • Help Plan Student Performance Night: TBD. Are you musically inclined and interested in helping plan a coffeehouse/student performance night this February? Please contact Chellie Nayar and James Fanning with a Short email indicating your interest.
      • Kaiut Yoga for Chronic Conditions: Thursdays 9-10 a.m. on Zoom, offered through UVM Medical Center. For more information or to register, email Julia Oshea.
      • Mindfulness Tools for Health and Wellbeing for ALL Cancer Patients, Caregivers, Providers: 01/04. Virtual meetings 5:00-6:30 pm 1st Wednesday of each month. All offerings Mindfulness Tools offerings are free. For more information or to sign up, contact Donna Smith.


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    We are sharing opportunities and needs in the State of Vermont. The University of Vermont has not vetted or researched these opportunities and cannot warrant or recommend one opportunity over another. It is your sole responsibility to thoroughly evaluate any volunteer organization or opportunity before engaging. Please practice physical distancing and follow the established guidelines to keep yourself and your community safe. Consider the following opportunities independently and carefully after looking into the organization and their safety practices.


    • Art From The Heart:  a program connecting volunteers and art supplies to patients and caregivers. Free for patients at UVM Medical Center and Children's Hospital. Learn more...

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    UVM always has a TON of event opportunities flying around. The list below was hand-picked/designed for our medical student community (also check out the Larner Medical Student Activities Calendar anytime for the latest and greatest list of events). Students may also explore the UVM Bored? Calendar for even more opportunities open to all UVM students...


    • WED, Jan 25: 
      • Pediatrics Grand Rounds - “Teaching and Learning Pediatrics: A University of Vermont Children’s Hospital Medical Education Update”: 01/25, 8 - 9 am in person at david auditorium and via zoom.
      • ANTISEMITISM 101: The Basics & How they Relate to Life at UVM: 01/25, 1 - 3 pm at the Interfaith center.  Learn about the origins and definitions of antisemitism and how it shows up on multiple levels in this Interfaith Center workshop with Temple Sinai's Rabbi David Edleson, D.Div. This presentation is part of a series helping the UVM community to engage with spirituality and religion in our life and work on campus. Registration is required and space is limited!
      • Spotlight on Primary Care Series: Summer Opportunities: 01/25, 12 - 1 pm - MedEdCenter 200 Sullivan Classroom. Medical Students, Nurse Practitioner Students, Master of Social Work Students are all welcome to attend this informational session.
      • Social Justice Coalition (SJC) Monthly Meeting: 01/25, 5:30 - 7:30 pm Via Zoom. Join in on our monthly meeting to learn about ongoing social justice projects and initiatives at LCOM.
    • FRI, Jan 27:
      • WeeklyWire Submission Deadline: Fridays, no later than 7am unless noted otherwise. Want to submit to the Wire? Submit your posting using our WeeklyWire Online Submission Form...
      • Larner College of Medicine Alumni Awards 2023: 01/27 Nomination Deadline: We are currently seeking nominations. Nominate Someone Today Each year The Larner College of Medicine Alumni Association Awards Committee selects alumni to receive awards in five distinct categories.
      • Good Morning Coffee/Tea - Student Lounge: 01/27, 7:30-8:15 am, outside the Larner-VT Med/Grad Student Lounge. Come and join Coffee and/or Tea on Dean Zehle! Drop by to have a chat, catch up, share a story; or whatever you’d like to talk about – or simply feel free to grab a drink and head off to start your day!
      • Comprehensive Evaluation of Students with Complex Communication and Learning Profiles: 01/27, 99 am- 12 pm via Virtual meeting. Presenter Richard Reid, a school psychologist, will focus on comprehensive evaluation as a tool to measure growth, inform instruction strategies and curricular decisions, and measure ongoing growth.
    • SAT, Jan 28, Sun, Jan 29: No UVM/UVM Larner Med community events posted for this day


    • University Scholar Lecture Series - Fat and Flow elucidating the link between obesity and asthma: 01/31, 4:30 - 5:30, MedEdCenter 200. It is a great distinction that Dr. Anne Dixon In keeping with that honor, she will be providing a lecture as part of the University Scholar Lecture Series.
    • Save the Date 5 finalist CVRI 4th annual Viridis Montis Early Career Investigator Challenge in Cardiovascular Disease: 02/01, in person Larner classroom UVM. 5 finalists will compete for $5,000 in research funding.   
    • Women's Empowerment Self Defense Workshop: 02/01 - 5:30 - 8 pm. McClure Lobby Conference Room limited to 20 participants register. The overarching goal of this session is to help women discover their collective voice, address victim-blaming by redirecting the responsibility for all assaults onto the perpetrators, improve women’s sense of power and control, and, as a result, reduce the likelihood of sexual assault and violence. 
    • Funding Opportunity for Early Career Investigators in Cardiovascular Research: 02/10 application deadline. The Early Career Advisory Committee of the CVRI is pleased to announce a unique funding opportunity for Early Career investigators funding applications requesting up to $10,000 will be considered. 
    • SAVE THE DATE- The UVM DEI & Flynn Partnership Featuring a Show by the ALVIN AILEY AMERICAN DANCE THEATER: 05/02 - 7:30 - 9:30 pm. This season, the UVM Division for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is sponsoring a show featuring the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater.


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    STUDENT FINANCIAL SERVICES (Scholarships, Awards, & Finance FYIs)

    Our Medical Student Financial Services begin with prospective students and continue through the curriculum to commencement. We advise students on various aspects such as financing their medical education, loan debt management matters, and financial wellness. Please do not hesitate to reach out to the Assistant Director of Medical Student Financial Services, Ryan Gates, with any questions.


    • AOA Medical Student Service Leadership Project Award: 01/24 application deadline. Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society is committed to preparing future leaders in medicine and health care. The AOA Medical Student Service Leadership Project Grant is designed to support leadership development for medical students.


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    * = All postings flagged with an asterisk are not UVM-sponsored/endorsed

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    Deadline for submissions is 
    7:00 AM EST, on Fridays,
    for inclusion in the upcoming Monday issue, 
    unless noted otherwise.

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    Housing Opportunities

    Graduate students are highly sought tenants in the Burlington area and property owners often advertise specifically to them with special rates (less than would be offered to undergraduate students). Don't hesitate to ask housing contacts if they would consider lowering the advertised rate to secure a graduate student; it never hurts to ask!

    Explore housing opportunities & housing support resources via the UVM Off-campus Housing Site...

    Burlington Off-campus Living Guide: Includes information to help off-campus students have successful experiences off campus. Check out the 6th edition of the UVM Off-Campus Student and Community Relations (OSCR) Off Campus Living Guide....

    Landlord/Tenant and Housing Questions and Issues: Please contact OSCR (802-656-9405)

    Lost & Found

    Lost something? Email the Office of Medical Education (OME) a description of the item. OME and the Dana Medical Library recently joined the UVM campus-wide lost & found system and search not only the College of Medicine, but campus as a whole to see if it's been turned in. If it hasn't, the office can file a claim for the item should someone turn it in soon!

    Found something? Please turn it into either the Office of Medical Education (Given Courtyard n100) or the Dana Medical Library (First floor of the Medical Education Center) and we will be sure to log it into the Campus-Wide Lost & Found Database.

    Found items are kept up to 30 days, and then are donated to various local organizations depending on the item.