Competencies and Medical Education Programmatic Objectives
1. Competency: Patient Care
Students must be able to provide care that is compassionate, appropriate, and effective for treating health problems and promoting health.
1a. Demonstrate skills in core activities required for patient care including establishing rapport, collecting a patient history and performing a physical examination.
1b. Interpret clinical findings, make appropriate use of tests and procedures, formulate assessments, and develop effective plans to diagnose, treat, and prevent health problems and to promote patient health.
1c. Demonstrate compassion, courtesy, and respect for the social and cultural perspective of the patient.
2. Competency: Medical Knowledge
Students must demonstrate knowledge about established and evolving biomedical, clinical, epidemiological and social-behavioral sciences and the application of this knowledge in patient care.
2a. Demonstrate knowledge of established and evolving biomedical, clinical, epidemiological, and social-behavioral sciences related to the practice of medicine.
2b. Apply scientific knowledge to explain determinants of health, mechanisms and consequences of diseases, and principles underlying methods of diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and health promotion, at individual and population levels in current
and evolving health care settings.
2c. Interpret and analyze information to develop appropriate diagnostic assessments and plans for treatment, disease prevention, and promotion of health.
2d. Locate, evaluate, and synthesize information required for patient care from the medical literature using appropriate resources and technology.
2e. Demonstrate behaviors of continuous self-directed learning skills, including self-assessment and reflection, identification of knowledge gaps, and recognition of lifelong learning.
3. Competency: Practice-Based Learning and Improvement
Students must demonstrate the ability to investigate and evaluate their care of patients, to appraise and assimilate scientific evidence, and to continuously improve patient care based on constant self-evaluation and life-long learning.
3a. Apply principles of evidence-based medicine to inform patient care in current and evolving health care settings, including for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of health problems and for promotion of health.
3b. Teach and perform research to contribute to the education of other health professionals.
3c. Demonstrate practices of self-assessment and continuous improvement, based on reflection and feedback, of the knowledge, skills and attitudes required for patient care in current and evolving health care settings.
4. Competency: Interpersonal and Communication Skills
Students must demonstrate interpersonal and communication skills that facilitate effective interactions with patients and their families and other health professionals.
4a. Communicate and collaborate effectively with patients, families, and health professionals to provide compassionate, appropriate, and effective patient care.
4b. Communicate appropriately and effectively with patients, families, and the public across a broad range of socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds.
5. Competency: Professionalism
Students must demonstrate a commitment to professional service, adherence to ethical principles, sensitivity to patients, and maintain personal health and well-being.
5a. Behave in accordance with professional and ethical principles, including but not limited to: altruism, compassion and empathy, accountability and responsibility, excellence and scholarship, duty and service, social responsibility, honor and integrity,
respect, and cultural humility.
6. Competency: Systems-Based Practice
Students must demonstrate an awareness of and responsiveness to the larger context and system of health care.
6a. Demonstrate understanding of the essentials for collaborative teamwork including interprofessional team dynamics, communication skills and conflict resolution within the context of a well-functioning team.
6b. Demonstrate awareness of and responsiveness to the larger context of systems of health care through effective use of system resources, coordination of care, and practices that enhance quality and safety.
6c. Participate in the care of patients as an integrated member of an effective health care team.