Our Mission:

Through the use of health promotion, prevention, and intelligent intervention we strive to use the Family Based Approach with a long term goal of helping the well remain illness free, preventing at risk children from developing psychiatric illness, and intervening comprehensively on behalf of the children and families challenged by emotional or behavioral disorders.

VFBA Image

Please View our Mission Video to Learn More

Director, Steven Schlozman, MD



Photo of Williams Hall on UVM's Campus


As a department, we are immersed in education at every learner level. Our faculty teach at the undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate levels, at the Larner College of Medicine, University of Vermont and within the Psychiatry Residency and Child Psychiatry fellowship. We play a key role in educating those interested in taking care of children and families.



Photo of a Dr. treating a pediatric patient

Patient Care

Providers at the Pediatric Psychiatry Clinic promote the Vermont Family Based Approach (VFBA) to best take care of our patients and their families. With our proximity to the community, we strive to make partnerships and support community members working with children and families across Vermont and upstate New York. Our providers also participate in the Child & Adolescent Psychiatry & Psychology Consult Service (CAPPCON) at the University of Vermont Medical Center, and the Vermont Child Psychiatry Access Program.

Cartoon Stock image of a researcher next to a brain, describing an image on an easel


Our research aims focus on improving the health and wellbeing of the developing child. Faculty research programs include child dysregulation and irritability and the risk and resilience of children and adolescents. We partner with the Research Center for Children, Youth, and Families (RCCYF), the Vermont Child Health Improvement Program (VCHIP), and the Clinical Neuroscience Research Unit (CNRU). Within the research community, we also partner with individual investigators that align with our research focuses.

Highlighted news from the Child Psychiatry department:

Dickerson Interviewed by ABC22 about Lasting Effects of School Threats, Lockdowns

February 9, 2023 by Lucy Gardner Carson

(FEBRUARY 9, 2023) Jeremiah Dickerson, M.D., assistant professor of psychiatry, spoke to ABC22 about how stressful situations like school threats and lockdowns can impact emotional, behavioral, and even physical health.

Jeremiah Dickerson, M.D., assistant professor of psychiatry

(FEBRUARY 9, 2023) Jeremiah Dickerson, M.D., assistant professor of psychiatry, spoke to ABC22 about how stressful situations like school threats and lockdowns can leave lasting impressions on students, faculty and staff, and parents, impacting their emotional, behavioral, and even physical health.

Dickerson was one of hundreds of parents in Vermont who received messages Wednesday morning letting them know of what later turned out to be phony threats, and he says he quickly thought about the potential long-term effects the threats could have on people in our communities.

“I think we have to acknowledge that the threats can be really psychologically distressing, both for students but also for the faculty and staff in the schools as well,” he said. “Folks who experience longitudinal stress … It can affect them physiologically, it can affect their emotional behavioral health, it can affect their physical health in a lot of different ways.”

Dickerson says with such a widespread threat going out Wednesday, parents should keep an eye on their children’s health, especially if you know your child was bothered by the situation. “It’s important to take an individualized approach to that and to really pay attention that, if anything happens at school, that parents are mindful of any behavioral changes, any changes in sleep or appetite, if their child is more withdrawn.”

Read full story at ABC22