- THIS WEEK - SUBMISSION DEADLINE - Name the Class of 2018 Locker! 4/15 deadline. For the Class of 2018 gift, we are naming a locker. If you have an idea of what you would like written on the locker, please email Stephanie Brooks by April 15. Read More...
- Don't Lose Your Mail! Please take a few minutes to download and complete a forwarding address form and email it/or drop it off to Pat Alberts, in the Given Mailroom, so they can forward your given-box mail. Questions? Contact Pat Alberts with any questions.
- Mayo Clinic Hiring Short-Term Help - apply ASAP!* 4/29-5/26 project period. Urgently hiring graduating M4s with Epic EHR experience (aka, UVM Class of 2018) for a short-term project to help Mayo docs learn how to use Epic before they implement it this summer. Read more for compensation and contact info...
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Class of 2019
- THIS WEEK - APPLICATION DEADLINE - Visiting Elective in Pediatrics at Johns Hopkins for URM Students*: 4/15. Read more...
- THIS WEEK - APPLICATION DEADLINE - The 16th Annual LGBTQAwards & Rainbow Graduation: 4/20 RSVP deadline. Annual awards ceremony and Rainbow Graduation to recognize and celebrate the achievements of undergraduate and graduate students, staff and faculty who identify as part of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans*, queer, and asexual community. Read more...
- Larner Endowed Loan Fund: 5/5 opt-in deadline. You may opt into receiving a $5,400 loan. Does not accrue interest during school, the 9 month grace period after graduation, or during an optional 39 month residency deferment. After this, a fixed 5% rate is instated during repayment. This saves borrowers a considerable amount relative to unsubsidized Federal loans. Read more...
- POLICY FYI - OASIS/Curriculum Evaluations: Students must provide an end-of-course evaluation for required 4th year courses; failure to do so will result in a grade of incomplete, which will not be satisfied by filling out the evaluation once it is past due. Read the email from the Director of Curricular Evaluation and Assessment for more information...
- Visiting Student Opportunities at Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine in Kalamazoo, Michigan...
- Need Mask Fitting (mask fit certificate)? Sign up here to go to a local site to be mask fitted. IMPORTANT: You must complete & submit this form and be cleared by Student Health Services within the past month. Once three students have committed to a time (can have up to five for one slot), OMSE can schedule the appointment.
- UVMMC Hospital Mandatories: Annually, students must complete their Hospital Mandatories. Please complete the 2018 Hospital Mandatories using these instructions. Please contact the IS Service Center at 802-847-1414
with questions. - AAMC Standardized Video Interview*: A continuation (for a 2nd year) of an operational pilot program with the emergency medicine community to assess the use of the AAMC Standardized Video Interview during the 2018-2019 residency recruitment season. Read more...
- Doolas Scholarship opportunity in Surgery at Rush University Medical Center*: 4/30 application deadline. Designed for highly qualified students from racial and ethnic groups that have been historically underrepresented in medicine. Provides mentoring, networking, and stipend. Read more...
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Class of 2020
- Larner Endowed Loan Fund: 5/5 opt-in deadline. You may opt into receiving a $5,400 loan. Does not accrue interest during school, the 9 month grace period after graduation, or during an optional 39 month residency deferment. After this, a fixed 5% rate is instated during repayment. This saves borrowers a considerable amount relative to unsubsidized Federal loans. Read more...
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Class of 2021
- SUMMER OPPORTUNITY - LCOM Summer Medical School Prep Program: Dr. Paula Tracy needs to recruit 4-5 TA’s to help facilitate the scheduled elements of the program and serve as mentors to program participants. Read more...
- Larner Endowed Loan Fund: 5/5 opt-in deadline. You may opt into receiving a $5,400 loan. Does not accrue interest during school, the 9 month grace period after graduation, or during an optional 39 month residency deferment. After this, a fixed 5% rate is instated during repayment. This saves borrowers a considerable amount relative to unsubsidized Federal loans. Read more...
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- THIS WEEK - Rotating Med Ed Rooms Closed for Carpet Replacement: 4/9-4/11. Medical Center Small Group Rooms will undergo carpet replacement. Rooms will off-line/unavailable for use based on the following schedule...
- DID YOU KNOW? - Med SFS Back on Campus: Kari Brayden is on campus, now (no longer working remotely). Stop into OMSE (N107) if you have SFS questions and wish to discuss them in person; appointments are highly encouraged but not required. Contact Kari at MedSFS@uvm.edu or Kari.Brayden@med.uvm.edu. We are excited to offer in-person SFS services!
- NBME Comprehensive Clinical Science Examination Timing, Length Changes, and Prometric Price Increase: Effective May 8, 2018. Read more...
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PARTICIPATE IN THIS SURVEY - Joint Harvard/Oxford Study*: Survey running 2/2 - 2/15. The study is looking at empathy and attitudes toward the homeless in medical schools. Attitudes toward the homeless are incredibly important for this population’s health outcomes. Read more & Participate...
THIS WEEK - Dana Medical Library Workshop - Finding Clinical Guidelines for Daily Practice: 4/10. Will focus on uncovering clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) in three Library resources: PubMed MEDLINE, CINAHL, and ClinicalKey. Read more...
THIS WEEK - Burack Lecture: "World Without Us, World With Us" with Alan Weisman: 4/10. Free. Read more...
THIS WEEK - LCOM Medical Student Yoga Class: 4/11. Led by instructors from the community, mats and blocks are provided, and all levels are encouraged to join! Read more...
Surgery SIG Suture Clinic: 4/16. Dr. Tim Lee and a handful of surgery residents will help us learn and improve our suture and knot tying skills. We will be serving pizza starting at 6pm and then move onto the skills practice. Read more...
LCOM Global Health Day: 4/18. More details forthcoming (visit the Global Health webpage). Contact Audree Frey, the Global Health Coordinator, with any questions.
APPROACHING RSVP DEADLINE - Convocation of Thanks: 4/19 RSVP deadline. Honor those who made anatomical gifts to UVM and contributed to our courses over the last academic year. Light refreshments will be served. Read more...
Research Laureate Dr. Gary Stein - "The Cancer-Compromised Genome”: 4/23. Read more...
April Dining with the Deans Luncheon: 4/23. This month's special guest is Dr. Jan Gallant, Associate Dean for Admissions. Read more/sign-up...
LCOM Travel Awards: 4/30 application deadline. Established to support students who would like to travel to conferences, alternative learning opportunities or similar events. Read more...
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UVM Cancer Center Research Symposium: 4/20. Focuses on Cancer Control in a Rural Environment and will host three national speakers. Read more...
LCOM Travel Awards: 4/30 application deadline. Established to support students who would like to travel to conferences, alternative learning opportunities or similar events. Read more...
American Osler Society-AOS International History of Medicine Meeting*: 5/13-5/16. AOS will waive the registration costs for medical students and residents: meals will be free up to but not including dinners-that would be on their own. Read more...
5th Annual Pediatric Research Forum for Medical Students*: 7/13 forum registration deadline (attendance limited). An exciting opportunity for students to share their research with peers, takes place in conjunction with the annual meeting of the FCAAP, and cash prizes will be given for the top Oral and Poster presentations. Read more...
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* = All postings flagged with an asterisk are not UVM-sponsored/endorsed