Course: MD 566 - Professionalism, Communication & Reflection

Professionalism, Communication, and Reflection (PCR) is a year-long course that is comprised of small, process-oriented discussion groups with a faculty preceptor once a week. Important themes of the course include: 1) Facilitating professionalism in medicine, 2) Developing self-awareness and personal wellness to promote the highest standards in clinical care, 3) Cultivating the habit of communicating with peers and colleagues about difficult subjects, 4) Developing a healthy approach to the emotional challenges of clinical work, 5) Improving understanding of culture and diversity in the practice of medicine, 6) Developing a willingness to examine and discuss social and economic forces in medicine and, 7) Learning to attend to the narratives of patients and physicians. This course fosters self-awareness, emotional intelligence, mindfulness, and the capacity to care for self and colleagues. Each week, the groups focus on a topic that widens the lens on a current academic topic in their foundations curriculum or relates to important issues in medical practice. PCR mentors will also serve as their students Careers in Medicine (CIM) advisors for the first two years of medical school. Therefore, regular advising meetings and Careers in Medicine material is integrated into the PCR curriculum. (2 credit hours)


Course Administration


Sakshi Jasra MDCourse Director
Sakshi Jasra, M.D.
(802) 847-4848





tracy-hagerty-mdAssociate Course Director
Tracy Hagerty, M.D