The Lasting Legacy

Naming Opportunities at The Robert Larner, M.D. College of Medicine at The University of Vermont.

Scholarships & Academic PositionsMinimum Gift
Endowed Chair$3,000,000
Endowed Professor$1,000,000
Endowed Graduate Fellowship$250,000
Endowed Green & Gold Professor$250,000

Endowed Scholarship 

Medical Alumni Association matching funds available
Named Annual Scholarship$10,000 (Paid in 1 Calendar Year)
Named Departmental or Research Fund$10,000 (Paid in 1 Calendar Year)
The College of Medicine Fund Opportunities
Annual Fund Challenge$10,000
Student Lockers$2,500
Room, Space & Building Naming
Firestone Medical Research Building Floor$1,000,000
Firestone Medical Research Building Computational & Collaboration Zone$250,000
Firestone Medical Research Building Research Lab$100,000

Firestone Medical Research Building Faculty Office

**Additional space naming opportunities available in the Firestone Medical Research Building and in other Larner College of Medicine facilities. 

For more information about how you can support the College, please contact the Medical Development & Alumni Relations Office, (802) 656-4014,

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