UVM Medical Education Center and campus at dusk

Applications are now open; deadline to apply is September 1, 2024. 


Seeking emerging leaders to join the UVM Cancer Center external advisory board for the 2024 review cycle.

Early career faculty rarely get invited to participate in leadership-related activities within cancer center. Through this experience, early career faculty will learn about the external advisory board (EAB) process and be prepared to enter in to leadership opportunities related to cancer centers and cancer research in the future.

This opportunity is designed for future leaders external to the UVM Cancer Center who represent groups underrepresented in biomedical science and in cancer center leadership positions across the country.


Early career cancer center faculty will learn about the Cancer Center review processes through participation in the University of Vermont Cancer Center External Advisory Board annual meeting. Faculty selected for participation will participate as program reviewers with assignments based on their individual qualifications.


Early career faculty who are members of an AACI cancer center, external to the UVM Cancer Center, and who represent groups underrepresented in biomedical science or in national cancer center leadership (e.g. BIPOC, LGBTQ+, people with disabilities, first generation college, women).


The EAB annual meeting will be held November 10-11, 2024 in Burlington, Vt. Selected faculty will participate for the 2024 review cycle as program reviewers with assignments based on their individual qualifications. 

Apply to the E3 Program