Primary Care Workforce Archive

2007 Master Provider Index

During the 2006 legislative session, the UVM AHEC Program was charged with convening a work group for the purpose of "making recommendations for the creation of a Master Provider Index designed to assure uniform and consistent identification and cross-reference of all Vermont health care professionals in the development and implementation of health care technology in Vermont" (Act 191-H861, Section 58, Master Provider Index).

The Master Provider Index would consist of a database that allows for comprehensive cross-referencing of the multiple "unique identification codes" applied to health care providers through licensure, credentialing, and billing and claims processing mechanisms. This database would enable the identification of health care information linked to health care professionals across settings and payers. The Legislature has indicated that this information would be used for the purpose of supporting the implementation of health information exchange and public health and policy research, analysis and planning.

Questions or comments about the Master Provider Index may be emailed to

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