Participate in Research

Do you suffer from chronic pain?

You may be able to participate in a research study through the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Vermont involving:

  • 11-week cognitive therapy or chronic pain education (free of charge)
  • 3 MRI brain scans - before, after, and 4 months following treatment
  • Financial compensation at the completion of the study

Who can participate? If you have chronic pain persisting for 12 months or longer and are 18-75 years of age, you may be eligible to participate in this research program.

Interested? Please contact the MindBody Medicine Clinic at (802) 847-8241 or

Funding Information

Our research study, "Can Therapy Alter CNS Processing of Chronic Pain - A Longitudinal Study?", is funded by an RO1 grant from NIH awarded to Magdalena Naylor, M.D., Ph.D., Principal Investigator.

More Information

View an online video orientation for research participants.