Frequently Asked Questions
How do I join the Pain Management Group Program?
You may call our clinic to schedule an initial evaluation or ask your physician to make a referral. It is necessary that we receive information from your referring physician and you complete a questionnaire we will provide prior to your first appointment.
Please call our Intake Coordinator at 802-847-COPE (2673) or ask your doctor to fax a referral to 802-847-8047.
Where are the groups located?
Our Pain Management groups meet in the University Health Center (UHC) in Burlington, VT, Arnold Building. Take the elevator (C) by the pharmacy to the 6th Floor and check in with the receptionist.
When do the groups occur?
The MBMC runs about 8 - 10 Management of Chronic Pain groups per year on Tuesdays from 10:00 - 11:30 AM, or Wednesdays and Thursdays 3:00 - 4:30 PM or 5:00 - 6:30 PM. Each group lasts for 11 consecutive weeks and runs 90 minutes per session.
How many patients are in each group?
Groups may vary in size, but on average there are eight to twelve participants.
Will insurance pay for group?
In most cases, insurance claims will be submitted directly to the patient's insurance carrier. However, because health insurance policies differ, reimbursement may vary. Claims are submitted as outpatient mental health clinic visits, unless otherwise specified.
To ensure coverage, please contact your insurance carrier directly, prior to your initial evaluation. In most cases, groups are reimbursed by workers compensation and self-pay is also accepted.
What is CBT?
Cognitive Behavior Therapy or CBT is based on the idea that what we think (cognition), how we feel (emotion) and how we act (behavior) interact closely. Specifically, our thoughts influence our feelings and our behavior. For example, negative thoughts can cause us distress and result in increased pain, depression or change behaviors, such as overeating or alcohol abuse.
The MBMC teaches specific coping skills to help patients to control their pain.
What will I gain from participating in this program?
There is strong evidence supporting the benefits of relaxation techniques and cognitive skills in improving coping with chronic medical illness, such as hypertension, diabetes and chronic pain to list a few.
The MBMC has helped numerous patients improve the quality of their lives through a well-rounded treatment program offering stress management, communication skills, and nutrition, sleep, physical activity and medication adjustments.
Individuals with chronic pain who have not received relief from more conventional interventions, such as medications or surgery alone, may benefit from this program.
We have found from our research that patients who graduated from the Management of Chronic Pain Program continued success with managing their pain well after groups have ended.
Can I participate in research?
The MBMC has completed several research projects on chronic pain relapse prevention with great success. Findings have shown that individuals who participate in research and use coping skills daily have better control over their pain. To inquire about research eligibility please call 802-847-8241.