EMED 3010 - Emergency Medicine Research I 
Students will apply what they’ve learned in EMED 3000 to assist in clinical research in the emergency department as a research associate. Students in this class will screen emergency department medical records in real time to identify potential research subjects. They will have the opportunity to observe the informed consent process performed by a staff research coordinator. Students will also be required to design a theoretical research grant proposal and present their proposal to a professional grant board at the end of the semester. Students are required to conduct themselves in a manner that embodies respect and professionalism.
4 creditsOffered Fall and Spring semesters - in person only
Pre-requisites: EMED 3000 & instructor permission
- Complete two 4-hour shifts per week as a Research Associate in the emergency department
- One seminar per week focused on special research topics in medicine
- Learn how to screen electronic medical records (EMRs) for potential human subjects
- Learn how to obtain informed consent from patients in the emergency department