
education_205x105Trainees and fellows are required to take two graduate level seminars as part of their fellowship. All trainees and fellows take the Interdisciplinary Seminar in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities I course in the Fall and the Interdisciplinary Seminar in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities II course in the spring. Family members, community leaders, related service providers, students and faculty participate. Seminar topics include Cultural Competence, Health Care Financing, Autism, Family-Centered Care, Policy, etc. The course is open to interested individuals, with instructor permission. These seminars are also part of the Certificate in Graduate Studies in the Interdisciplinary Study of Disability.

Interdisciplinary Seminar in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities I & II
CSD 311 Seminar I (Fall) & 312 Seminar II (Spring)
Online Courses