Advising System during
Foundations and Clerkship Levels

Policy 730.10

Policy Statement

The advising system begins upon matriculation when each student is assigned to a Professionalism, Communication & Reflection (PCR) course group, each of which is led by a faculty preceptor who serves as the student’s primary advisor during the Foundations level of the curriculum. Preceptors meet with students at least twice per year in their advising roles, in addition to their weekly interactions during PCR coursework, and are available to provide support and information as well as guide discussions of academic progress, career exploration, and wellness. During the twice-per-year advising meetings, students complete a form (either the Foundations One Meeting Form or the Foundations Two Meeting Form) that is modeled after the Careers in Medicine advising checklists. The advising system was designed to be integrated into the curriculum in order to ensure its optimal use by students; most students do seek such advice and support primarily from the faculty preceptors of their PCR groups. Since PCR preceptors assess first-year students’ performances in the PCR course (which is graded on a pass/fail basis), students are not obligated to seek advice or counseling from those faculty members, though the vast majority of students do so and view the arrangement favorably. If a student expresses preference for an alternate advisor, the Associate Dean for Students will assign another advisor, who does not have responsibility for assessing student performance.

During the Clerkship level, each student chooses an advisor in the specialty of their choice for guidance through the residency application process, scheduling lotteries, and the Match. At this point in the curriculum the specialty advisors take over the main advising tasks, guiding students toward a successful residency application. Students may certainly continue to use their PCR advisors for guidance and support, complimenting the specialty advising.

Applicability of the Policy

Foundations and Clerkship Level Students

Related Larner College of Medicine Policies

Related University of Vermont Policies

Not Applicable


  • 7/16/2013 Policy Adopted/Affirmed [Medical Curriculum Committee]
  • 5/15/2018 Policy Revised [Medical Curriculum Committee]
  • 3/17/2020 Reformatted [Medical Curriculum Committee]
  • 7/19/2022 Policy Revised [Medical Curriculum Committee]

Related Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) Standard(s)

11.1 Academic Advising

Policy Oversight

Associate/Assistant Dean for Students (Director of Academic Achievement)

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