Faculty & Staff

Kristen DeStigter, M.D.Chair and Professor(802) 847-3100Email | Bio
Dmitriy Akselrod, M.D.Associate Professor

(802) 847-3592

Email | Bio
Naiim Ali, M.D.
Associate Professor
(802) 847-3592Email |
Christopher Anker, M.D.
Professor, Radiation Oncology
(802) 847-3506Email |
Anjuli Bagley, M.D.
Associate Professor
(802) 847-3592Email|
Benjamin Bamford, M.D.
Clinical Practice Physician(802) 847-3592Email |
Michael Bazylewicz, M.D.Associate Professor(802) 847-3593Email | Bio
Jason Beckta, M.D.
Clinical Practice Physician, Radiation Oncology
(802) 847-3506Email |
Anant Bhave, M.D.Associate Professor(802) 847-3663Email | Bio
Christopher Brennan, M.D.
Assistant Professor(802) 847-3592Email |
Cynthia Chan, M.D.
Assistant Professor
(802) 847-3592Email |
Carl Wade Cobb, M.D.
Clinical Practice Physician(802) 847-3592Email |
Robert D'Agostino, M.D.Professor(802) 847-2401Email | Bio
Peter Dietrich, M.D.Professor Emeritus
(802) 847-3593Email | Bio
Havaleh Gagne, M.D.
Clinical Practice Physician, Radiation Oncology
(802) 847-3506Email |
Matthew Geeslin, M.D.Associate Professor(802) 847-3592Email |Bio
Curtis Green, M.D.Professor Emeritus
(802) 847-4404Email | Bio
Sally Herschorn, M.D.Professor Emerita
(802) 847-2700Email | Bio
Timothy Higgins, M.D.Associate Professor

(802) 847-3592

Email | Bio
Andrea Hildebrand, M.D.Associate Professor(802) 847-3592Email | Bio
David Johnson, M.D.Associate Professor(802) 847-3592Email | Bio
Christopher Kanner, M.D
Assistant Professor
(802) 847-3592Email |
David Keating, M.D.Associate Professor(802) 847-3592Email | Bio
Leila Khorashadi, M.D.
Assistant Professor
(802) 847-3592Email |
Janusz Kikut, M.D.Professor(802) 847-2526Email | Bio
Jeffrey Klein, M.D.Professor(802) 847-3593Email | Bio
Anthony Kopecky, P.A.Clinical Instructor(802) 847-3592Email | Bio
Mark Lach, M.D.Assistant Professor(802) 847-3592Email | Bio
Benjamin Lange, M.D.
Clinical Practice Physician
(802) 847-3592Email |
Diego Lemos, M.D.Professor(802) 847-5647Email | Bio
Nataniel Lester-Coll, M.D.
Chief and Associate Professor, Radiation Oncology
(802) 847-3506Email | Bio
Puyao Li, M.D.
Assistant Professor, Radiation Oncology
(802) 847-3506Email |
Bill Majdalany, M.D.
Associate Professor
(802) 847-3592Email |
Bruce McClellan, P.A.Clinical Instructor(802) 847-8873Email | Bio
Russell Meyer, M.D.
Clinical Practice Physician(802) 847-3592Email |
Saeedeh Mirbagheri, M.D.
Assistant Professor
(802) 847-3592Email |
Christopher Morris, M.D.Professor Emeritus
(802) 847-5684Email | Bio
Carl Nelson, M.D.
Associate Professor, Radiation Oncology
(802) 847-3506Email |
Robert Oppenheimer, M.D.Emeritus Professor(802) 847-3592Email | Bio
Charles Pappas, M.D.
Associate Professor
(802) 847-3592Email |
William Parkinson, M.D.
Assistant Professor
(802) 847-3592Email |
Joseph Pekala, M.D.
Associate Professor
(802) 847-3592Email |
Robert Percarpio, M.D.
Assistant Professor
(802) 847-3592Email

Karina Perusse, M.D.

Associate Professor(802) 847-3592Email | Bio
Hannah Perry, M.D.
Associate Professor
(802) 847-3592Email |
Scott Raymond, M.D.Assistant Professor(802) 847-3592Email
Derek Rycewicz, M.D.
Assistant Professor
(802) 847-3592Email |
Karine Sahakyan, M.D.
Assistant Professor(802) 847-3592Email |
Benjamin Sawatzky, M.D.Assistant Professor(802) 847-3592Email|
Geoffrey Scriver, M. D. Associate Professor(802) 847-3592Email | Bio
Joseph Shields, M.D.Associate Professor(802) 847-3592Email | Bio
Pedro Staziaki, M.D.
Assistant Professor(802) 847-3592Email |
Norman Sturtevant, M.D.Professor Emeritus
(802) 847-3592Email | Bio
Betsy Sussman, M.D.Professor Emerita
(802) 847-3592Email | Bio
Judy Tam, M.D.Associate Professor Emerita
(802) 847-3593Email | Bio
Erin Tsai, M.D.Assistant Professor(802) 847-3592Email | Bio
Adam Ulano, M.D. Assistant Professor(802) 847-3592Email | Bio
Eline van den Broek-Altenburg, Ph.D
Assistant Professor(802) 847-3592Email | Bio
H. James Wallace, M.D.
Associate Professor, Radiation Oncology
(802) 847-3506Email |
Ryan Walsh, M.D.Associate Professor(802) 847-3592Email | Bio
Elizabeth Watson, M.D.Associate Professor(802) 847-3592Email | Bio
Beth Zigmund, M.D.
Associate Professor(802) 847-3592Email|