News from the College

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Lee and Raszka's Commentary on Kids & COVID-19 Transmission Garners Broad Media Coverage

July 20, 2020 by Jennifer Nachbur

(JULY 10-20, 2020) Significant national and international media coverage was generated in response to the publication of a Pediatrics Commentary, titled “COVID-19 Transmission and Children: The Child Is Not to Blame,” authored by Assistant Professor of Pediatrics Benjamin Lee, M.D., and Professor of Pediatrics and Director of Pediatric Infectious Diseases William Raszka, M.D.
(JULY 10-20, 2020) Significant national and international media coverage was generated in response to the publication of a Pediatrics Commentarytitled “COVID-19 Transmission and Children: The Child Is Not to Blame,” authored by Assistant Professor of Pediatrics Benjamin Lee, M.D., and Professor of Pediatrics and Director of Pediatric Infectious Diseases William Raszka, M.D. Coverage has included: CBS Evening News; NBC Nightly News (also picked up by Yahoo!, MSN, and many other U.S. online media outlets); CNN (video) and CNN (online); San Jose The Mercury News (also, Los Angeles Daily News, Orange County Register and other Calif. newspapers)U.S. News & World Report (also, Physicians' Weekly, and several other online outlets); International Business TimesCNYCentral TV (Syracuse, N.Y.); Philadelphia Inquirer; AOL.comTheWeek (India); EcoWatch; 630 KHOW (Denver, Colo.) The Ross Kaminsky Show on iHeartradio; PolitiFact; Associated Press; Burlington Free PressVTDigger; Vermont Public Radio.

News about the College

The following news and stories about the college appeared in local and/or national media. 

Lee and Raszka's Commentary on Kids & COVID-19 Transmission Garners Broad Media Coverage

July 20, 2020 by Jennifer Nachbur

(JULY 10-20, 2020) Significant national and international media coverage was generated in response to the publication of a Pediatrics Commentary, titled “COVID-19 Transmission and Children: The Child Is Not to Blame,” authored by Assistant Professor of Pediatrics Benjamin Lee, M.D., and Professor of Pediatrics and Director of Pediatric Infectious Diseases William Raszka, M.D.
(JULY 10-20, 2020) Significant national and international media coverage was generated in response to the publication of a Pediatrics Commentarytitled “COVID-19 Transmission and Children: The Child Is Not to Blame,” authored by Assistant Professor of Pediatrics Benjamin Lee, M.D., and Professor of Pediatrics and Director of Pediatric Infectious Diseases William Raszka, M.D. Coverage has included: CBS Evening News; NBC Nightly News (also picked up by Yahoo!, MSN, and many other U.S. online media outlets); CNN (video) and CNN (online); San Jose The Mercury News (also, Los Angeles Daily News, Orange County Register and other Calif. newspapers)U.S. News & World Report (also, Physicians' Weekly, and several other online outlets); International Business TimesCNYCentral TV (Syracuse, N.Y.); Philadelphia Inquirer; AOL.comTheWeek (India); EcoWatch; 630 KHOW (Denver, Colo.) The Ross Kaminsky Show on iHeartradio; PolitiFact; Associated Press; Burlington Free PressVTDigger; Vermont Public Radio.