News from the College

Use the links below to read recent news and stories from the college.

Wasserman Discusses Motivational Interviewing on

August 6, 2019 by Jennifer Nachbur

(AUGUST 2, 2019) Richard Wasserman, M.D., professor of pediatrics, commented on motivational interviewing techniques used to encourage patients to adopt healthier behaviors in an article.
(AUGUST 2, 2019) Richard Wasserman, M.D., professor of pediatrics, commented on motivational interviewing techniques used to encourage patients to adopt healthier behaviors in an article, titled "Why 'finger-wagging' at patients doesn't work (and what doctors should do instead)." 


News about the College

The following news and stories about the college appeared in local and/or national media. 

Wasserman Discusses Motivational Interviewing on

August 6, 2019 by Jennifer Nachbur

(AUGUST 2, 2019) Richard Wasserman, M.D., professor of pediatrics, commented on motivational interviewing techniques used to encourage patients to adopt healthier behaviors in an article.
(AUGUST 2, 2019) Richard Wasserman, M.D., professor of pediatrics, commented on motivational interviewing techniques used to encourage patients to adopt healthier behaviors in an article, titled "Why 'finger-wagging' at patients doesn't work (and what doctors should do instead)."