Division News

Cushman Comments Featured in American Heart Association Story on Childhood Obesity and Blood Clots

March 15, 2019 by Jennifer Nachbur

(MARCH 15, 2019) The American Heart Association recently featured comments by Mary Cushman, M.D., UVM professor of medicine, in a story highlighting a Danish study that found a correlation between childhood obesity and the development of blood clots in adulthood.

Mary Cushman, M.D., UVM Professor of Medicine

(MARCH 15, 2019) The American Heart Association recently featured comments by Mary Cushman, M.D., UVM professor of medicine, in a story highlighting a Danish study that found a correlation between childhood obesity and the development of blood clots in adulthood. Cushman discussed how this study emphasizes the importance of a healthy diet, physical activity and long-term effects of childhood obesity.

This story was also featured by the following publications:
Medical Xpress
Healing Well
Brigham and Women's Hospital