Social Media

The Robert Larner, M.D. College of Medicine at the University of Vermont has a remarkable community that provides ample opportunities to connect with fellow graduate students, postdocs, faculty, alumni and future employers. Find your direct connections in the following platforms. 

UVM Handshake

UVM Handshake login

Handshake's job recommendations are curated based on your personal interests, skills, major, location preferences and search history. It has powerful tools and alerts to help stay on top of opportunities you want to pursue. The mobile app allows you to easily follow employers and opportunities, register for events, and submit applications on-the-go.

UVM Connect


UVM Connect

UVM Connect offers you the opportunity to reconnect with fellow graduates, give back to current students, and expand your professional opportunities through people you should know. 


Find groups specific to the Master of Medical Science, Cellular, Molecular and Biomedical Sciences, and Neuroscience Graduate Programs. 


InstagramFollow Larner and UVM sponsored accounts like @uvmMedicine, @uvmLarnerGradStuCo and @LarnerWellness, @uvm_dsu. 


Don't forget to follow accounts on Twitter like: @UVMLarnerMed, @uvmGradCollege, @uvmdei, @uvmfoundation, @UVMPattyPrelock, @sacnas_uvm, @uvm_NeuroGP, @UVM_GSS, @UVMResearch


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VCBH Presents Preventive Medicine’s Eleventh Special Issue, November 2024

December 2, 2024 by Christopher Pung

The November 2024 Special Issue of Preventive Medicine is now available. As a part of the Behavior Series, this Special Issue centers on "Behavior change, health, and health disparities: Smoking and other tobacco use among women and girls." VCBH Director Stephen Higgins, PhD acted as guest editor and organized the selection of papers.

VCBH Director Stephen Higgins, PhD is guest editor of the November 2024 Special Issue of Preventive Medicine

The November 2024 Special Issue of Preventive Medicine is now available. As a part of the Behavior Series, this Special Issue centers on behavior change, health, and health disparities. VCBH Director Stephen Higgins, PhD acted as guest editor and organized the selection of papers.

The issue, “Behavior change, health, and health disparities 2024: Smoking and other tobacco use among women and girls,” includes work from VCBH researchers and annual conference presenters focused on contingency management in the treatment of tobacco, alcohol and opioid use disorders.

The Special Issue is available online through Science Direct here: