Developing Excellence in Teaching, Research, and Service

The mission of the Larner College of Medicine is to educate a diverse group of dedicated physicians and biomedical scientists to serve across all the disciplines of medicine; to bring hope to patients by advancing medical knowledge through research; to integrate education and research to advance the quality and accessibility of patient care; and to engage with our communities to benefit Vermont and the world.

In support of that mission, the Office for Faculty assists and supports the faculty of the Robert Larner M.D. College of Medicine in their clinical, teaching, research, and administrative roles.

Faculty at a library workshop

Faculty Resources

The Office for Faculty is the hub for Larner faculty resources. We support career progression, teaching, learning, and more. 

  • Faculty mentoring
  • Volunteer pathway appointments
  • Reappointment, promotion, and tenure readiness
  • Teaching and research development initiatives

Faculty resources

Larner College of Medicine Building

Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure

The Office for Faculty supports the reappointment, promotion, and tenure (RPT) of faculty members as appropriate across all departments, centers, and affiliate sites. We provide guidance and support to faculty and departments to ensure professional excellence, career progression, and successful submission of RPT related materials. RPT resources

Faculty attend a retreat

Faculty Development

The Office for Faculty supports the orientation and education of new faculty and guides them in the development of their individual academic careers. The office also promotes professional development, facilitates collaboration across UVM, and offers focused career and research presentations to enhance the faculty experience. Faculty Development Information