Alliance For Innovation On Maternal Health (AIM)

The Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health (AIM) is a national maternal safety and quality improvement initiative. The Perinatal Quality Collaborative Vermont (PQC-VT) joined AIM in 2020 with the goal of implementing safety bundles in all of Vermont’s birthing hospitals to improve care, prevent complications during pregnancy, and reduce the occurrence of severe maternal morbidity in pregnant Vermonters. AIM safety bundles are a standardized set of practices intended to improve patient outcomes and reduce severe maternal illness and death. These bundles improve health outcomes by supporting select structural and process measures.

Defining Our Work

With the high volume of quality improvement work in our specialty, we wanted to highlight the work being done in our Vermont hospitals and tie it back to the AIM obstetric safety bundles. This video is to remind us what is AIM, how is this work being done, and how does it look in every day clinical practice for our health care professionals. View the video to take a peek.


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Goals &

The goal of implementing AIM safety bundles is to improve the clinical structures and processes of care and improve patient outcomes for pregnant and postpartum Vermonters throughout the state. This is done with standardized, actionable steps that have been proven to reliably improve patient care. 

  • 11 Vermont hospitals are enrolled in AIM projects [100%]
  • 2 – number of safety bundles implemented
  • Include Family Medicine, Anesthesia, and Emergency Department colleagues in drills and education
  • Reduce the severe maternal morbidity associated with preventable obstetric hemorrhages
    • Rollout: 2020
  • Improve recognition and timeliness of treatment in hypertensive emergencies in pregnancy
    • Rollout: Fall 2022
  • Screen and identify pregnant or recently pregnant persons with cardiac conditions and appropriately refer
    • Rollout: TBD
  • Provide universal screenings, referral support, and education to pregnant or postpartum people with substance use disorder in a trauma-informed way
    • Rollout: Early 2025

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Maintenance of Implemented Bundles

One goal of 2024 was to create strategies and resources for maintaining our implemented bundles. Check out the ways in which we did this which include drill tackleboxes, escape rooms, workshops, and checklists. 

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View AIM resources and safety bundles including implementation resources. 



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Project Team

Marjorie Meyer, MD

Kelley McLean, MD

Carole McBride, PhD

Samantha Bellinger, MA

Kayla Panko, BSN, RNC-MNN

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