Member Benefits
The University of Vermont Cancer Center member benefits encourage collaboration, learning, and growth . Depending on your membership
level, you may be eligible for:
Conferences / Research
- Cancer Center events (retreats, seminars, invited lectures, etc)
- Program meetings
- Research slams
Outside speakers / visiting faculty
- Program leaders have an annual budget to cover travel and honorarium.
Grant review service
- Up to a $250 honorarium for outside review of NIH, DOD, or other peer-reviewed grants priors to submission.
- Grant writer support for NIH/DOD submissions; manuscript editing support
Pilot Awards
- Opportunity to compete for Cancer Center seed (pilot) grant awards
- Opportunity to compete for career development grants (e.g. Clinical Investigator Development Initiative)
- Support with public dissemination of research findings
- Profile hosted on the UVM Cancer Center website
- Additional communications support, including design, web, and strategy consult by request
Shared Resources
- Cancer Center support of Biostatistics SR facilitates access for Cancer Center members for protocol and grant development
- Availability of Clinical Trials Office for clinical trials support and management
- Member subsidies for SR in the Center for Biomedical Shared Resources
- Microscopy, flow cytometry, proteomics, VIGR
- 10% recharge subsidy (ie, 10% discount on all SR generated charges)
- Cancer Center has committed up to $400,000 annually:
- Up to $100,000 per SR annually
- Up to $20,000 per eligible member annually