UVM Student Accessibility Services and Medical Student Accommodations
UVM’s Student Accessibility Services (SAS) provides Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accommodations to medical students with documented disabilities. Students seeking more information on eligibility and accommodations can complete the Getting Started with SAS online intake
form. Students may also contact the SAS office by phone at 802-656-7753, and/or contact SAS via email and request to speak with an accessibility specialist.
If you think you might be eligible for ADA accommodations at any point during your medical education, including for United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) exams, please contact SAS prior to your arrival to ensure that eligibility for accommodations is determined and accommodations are in
place prior to the start of medical school. Please note that nothing precludes you from requesting ADA accommodations at any time, including after the start of medical school and at any level of the curriculum.
Please reference documents below for requesting accommodations or for USMLE accommodation application support:
Additional information:
If you have any questions about SAS services, types of approved accommodations, or eligibility for accommodations, please contact SAS office by phone at 802-656-7753, and/or contact SAS via email. In the Office of Medical Education, the Director of Academic Achievement works in ongoing collaboration with SAS and the SAS Health Sciences Disability Coordinator. For any questions or concerns related to medical student ADA Accommodations or accessibility, students can contact: