Harraz Lab
Research Interests
The research in our laboratory focuses on vascular ion channels and signal transduction pathways. In order to investigate how ion channels and receptor proteins impact blood flow regulation in the brain, the Harraz lab employs different electrophysiological
approaches, genetically-engineered animal models and vascular imaging. Our investigations span the full spectrum from the single molecule level to the whole in vivo level. The major goal of our research is to understand vascular signaling,
blood flow control and the changes associated with small vessel and neurodegenerative diseases.
Key research areas in the Harraz Lab are:
- Ion channels and Biophysics
- Neurovascular coupling and Cerebral blood flow
- Small vessel and neurodegenerative diseases

Lab Members

Michael Ippolito, B.S. Curtis Plante
(Research Technician) (Research Assistant)
Interested in joining our team?
The Harraz Lab currently has positions available for highly motivated applicants with interests in vascular physiology, pathophysiology, ion channels and imaging. Please contact Dr. Osama Harraz directly (Osama.Harraz@uvm.edu)
and check the Harraz Lab website (www.HarrazLab.com).
Recent Publications
For a complete list of Dr. Osama Harraz' publications, please visit PubMed.
- Harraz OF*, Klug NR, Senatore AJ, Hill-Eubanks DC, Nelson MT. Piezo1 Is a Mechanosensor Channel in Central Nervous System Capillaries. Cir Res. 2022 May 13; 130(10): 1531-1546. doi: 10.1161.CIRCRESAHA.122.320827.
PMID: 35382561 (*Corresponding author).
- Harraz OF*, Jensen LJ, Vascular Calcium Signaling and Aging. J Physiol. 2021 Decl 588(24): 5361-5377. doi: 10.1113/JP280950. PMID: 34705288 (*Corresponding author).
- Sackheim AM, Villalba N, Sancho M, Harraz OF, Bonev AD, D'Alessandro A, Nemkov T, Nelson MT, Freeman K. Traumatic Brain Injury Impairs Systemic Vascular Function Through Disruption of Inward-Rectifier Potassium Channels.
Function. 2021 Apr 6; 2(3):aqab018. doi: 10.1093/function/zqab)18. PMID: 34568829
- Koide M, Harraz OF, Dabertrand F, Longden TA, Ferris HR, Wellman GC, Hill-Eubanks DC, Greenstein AS, Nelson MT. Differential restoration of functional hyperemia by antiphyertensive drug classes in hypertension-related cerebral
small vessel disease. J Clin Invest. 2021 Sept 15; 131(18): 2149029. doi: 10.1172/JCI149029. PMID: 34351870
- Longden TA#, Mughal A#, Hennig GW#, Harraz OF, ShuiB, Lee FK, Lee JC, Reining S, Kotlikoff MI, Konig GM, Kostenis E, Hill-Eubanks D, Nelson MT. Local IP3 receptor-mediated Ca2+ signals compound to direct blood flow in brain
capillaries. Sci Adv. 2021 Jul 21; 7(30): eabh0101. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abh0101. PMID: 34290098. (#Co-first authors)
- Betrie AH, Brock JA, Harraz OF, Bush AI, He GW, Nelson MT, Angus JA, Wright CE, Ayton S. Zinc drives vasorelaxation by acting in sensory nerves, endothelium and smooth muscle. Nat Comm. 2021 Jun 1; 12(1):
3296. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-23198-6, PMID: 34075043
- Dabertrand F#, Harraz OF#, Koide M, Longden TA, Rosehart AC, Hill-Eubanks DC, Houtel A, Nelson MT. PIP2 corrects cerebral blood flow deficits in small vessel disease by rescuing capillary Kir2.1 activity. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA.
2021 Apr 27; 118(17): 20259981118. PMID: 33875602. (#Co-first authors)
- Mughal A#, Harraz OF#, Gonzales AL, Hill-Eubanks D, Nelson MT. PIP2 Improves Cerebral Blood Flow in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease. Function (Oxf). 2021 Feb 22; 2(2):zqab010. doi: 10.1093/function/zaqb010.
ecollection 2021. PMID: 33763649. (#Co-first authors)
- Harraz OF*, Jensen LJ. Aging, calcium channel signaling and vascular tone. Mech Ageing Dev. 2020 Oct; 191:111336. doi: 10.1016/j. mad.2020.111336. PMID: 32918949. (*Corresponding author)
- Harraz OF, Hill-Eubanks D, Nelson MT. PIP2: A critical regulator of vascular ion channels hiding in plain sight. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2020 Aug 25; 117(34): 20378-20389. doi:
10.1073/pnas.2006737117. PMID: 32764146
- Moshkforoush A, Ashenagar B, Harraz OF, Dabertrand F, Longden TA, Nelson MT, Tsoukias NM. The capillary Kir channel as sensor and amplifier of neuronal signals: Modeling insights on K+-mediated neurovascular communication.
roc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2020 Jul 14; 117(28): 16626-16637. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2000151117. PMID: 32601236
- Gomes CC#, Gayden T#, Bajic A#, Harraz OF, Pratt J, Nikbakht H, Bareke E, Diniz MG, Castro WH, St-Onge P, Sinnett D, Han H, Rivera B, Mikael LG, De Jay N, Kleinman CL, Valera ET, Bassenden AV, Berghuis AM, Majewski J, Nelson MT, Gomez
RS, Jabado N. TRPV4 and KRAS and FGFR1 gain-of-function mutations drive giant cell lesions of the jaw. Nat Commun. 2018 9(1): 4572. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-06690-4. PMID: 30385747. (#Co-first authors)
- AHA 20CDA35310097/1-3 American Heart Association Career Development Award "Mechanosensation in brain capillaries", Harraz [Principal Investigator], 7/1/20-6/30/23
- NIH P20 GM 135007/1-5 NIH COBRE "Vermont Center of Cardiovascular and Brain Health", MPIs M. Cushman/ M.T. Nelson, Harraz [OProject Director] Project 1, 12/1/20-11/30/23
- NIH 1 R01 NS 119971/1-5 "Cerebral microvascular signaling and neurovascular coupling: an integrated approach to investigate VCID" PI N.M. Tsoukias, Harraz [Significant Contributor], 8/1/21 - 6/30/26
- SPARK VT Award / UVM Innovations, Harraz [MPI w/MT Nelson], 7/19/21-6/30/22