Letter from the Chair

Dr. Ann Dixon, Chair of Medicine

Anne Dixon, M.A., B.M., B.Ch.
Interim Chair,
Department of Medicine
Professor of Medicine


Welcome to the Department of Medicine Winter 2022 edition of the CHART.

The past few months have been a time of change and an opportunity for reflection in the Department of Medicine. We said goodbye to our Chair of Medicine since 2009, Dr. Polly Parsons. Many of us attended the reception held in her honor on October 12th held at the Davis Center on the UVM campus. The dean of the Larner College of Medicine, Rick Page, the former CEO of the UVM Health Network, John Brumsted, and our own Vice Chair for Education, Mark Pasanen, reflected on Dr. Parsons’s leadership and vision. It was a wonderful evening to celebrate her amazing accomplishments, and to admire the current state of the department.

Despite the many challenges we have come through — not to mention the current ones we
face — there is much reason to be optimistic. Tree with red berries covered in snow in front of Larner College of Medicine words on building exteriorThe major, superlative strength of this department is its people. The sense of camaraderie, the combined talent and determination are some of the things that have made me so proud to be a part of this department over the past 21 years, and the reason I believe we can move forward towards an even brighter future. 

In the photos and articles below, you can learn about a few of the things our amazing friends and colleagues have been doing during the past six months. I hope it will make you, like me, confident that together we will move forward towards even greater success, whatever 2023 holds.

News and Events

Save the Date: Faculty Engagement and Communications Committee Event, January 26, 5:30-8:00 p.m.


Dr. Mark Levine

Join us on Thursday, January 26, 5:30-8:00 p.m. at the Waterworks Pub for our first event of the year. Vermont Health Commissioner Mark Levine, M.D., will be our special guest.

Appetizers and drinks will be served. This will be a great opportunity to network, socialize, learn about our committee, and have fun!

R.S.V.P. to Brianna Prim by January19. appetizers and drinks

Wellness at Work Strategies Planned for Department of Medicine

Dragos Banum M.D., and Jason Bartsch, M.D.

Dragos Banu, M.D., and Jason Bartsch, M.D., are collaborating on an initiative to bring Stress Management and Resiliency Training (SMART) to physicians at the University of Vermont. While still in the planning stages, the initiative aims to disseminate strategies to manage stressors at work and home and actively pursue personal wellbeing while remaining dedicated to patients. 

Dr. Banu and Dr. Bartsch discovered these strategies through a course led by Amit Sood, M.D., a physician, professor of medicine and chair for student life and wellness at the Mayo Clinic, in 2019. Dr. Sood was invited by the UVM Health Network leadership to deliver this course to network employees from various departments and specialties.

The SMART approach addresses two aspects of human experience: attention and interpretation. It involves strategies for identifying stressors and reframing them by using five core principles: Gratitude, Mindful Presence, Kindness and Resilient Mindset. Evidence shows that people who practice SMART are able to develop better focus, enhance creativity and productivity, improve engagement, deepen relationships, feel positive, and find greater purpose in life. The approach has been tested in more than 20 clinical trials and adopted by some of the most reputed organizations in the world.

Read excerpts from personal narratives by Banu and Bartsh describing how practicing stress management and resiliency training has changed their lives, personally and professionally, and why they want to share it with their colleagues.

'Convergence' Brings Global Cancer Experts, Local Students to UVM

Students attending cancer center Convergence eventA national cancer research event called Convergence brought experts from around the world to the University of Vermont October 24-27 to discuss interdisciplinary efforts to advance cancer treatment. The experts, along with UVM Cancer Center faculty, presented their cutting-edge cancer research. As part of the activities, 100 students from five local high schools attended a Careers in Cancer event and observed faculty and students working in UVM’s cancer research labs. The conference was co-hosted by the UVM Cancer Center and the National Science Foundation's Cancer Convergence Education Network.

“Integrating interdisciplinary approaches to cancer research — the convergence of the conference’s title — is prompting new questions, setting new research directions and providing researchers with new technologies that are already leading to new treatments and cures,” said Randall Holcombe, M.D., M.B.A., who presented at the event. Read more >>

UVM Women's Health and Cancer Conference logoUVM Cancer Center Hosts Women's Health and Cancer Conference

Cancer researchers, clinicians, survivors, and caregivers gathered September 30 for the 25th annual Women’s Health and Cancer Conference hosted by the University of Vermont Cancer Center. This event aims to empower and support individuals with knowledge about cancer prevention, detection and survivorship. This year, cancer patients, integrative oncology experts and physicians shared their best practices and latest evidence-based information and researchers discussed the evolution of cancer science during the past quarter-century and revealed what the future of cancer research looks like.

A primary theme of this year’s conference was whole-person, integrative health care, which uses all appropriate therapeutic and lifestyle approaches, health care professionals and self-care to achieve optimal well-being. Participants were able to explore integrative therapies including massage, yoga, and acupuncture. Kim Dittus, M.D., Ph.D., a medical oncologist, UVM Cancer Center member and assistant professor in the Department of Medicine, delivered a keynote address, titled “Moving from Treating Cancer to Treating the Whole Person.” Read more >>

UVM's Newest Future Physicians Receive First White Coats

Medical Class of 2026 White Coat ceremonyThe UVM Larner College of Medicine's medical Class of 2026 White Coat Ceremony took place on October 14, 2022, at UVM's Ira Allen Chapel, with the chapel filled with 121 first-year medical students, family members and loved ones, faculty and staff.

Jason Sanders, M.D., M.B.A., gave remarks and Timothy Lahey, M.D., M.M.Sc., presented the Humanism in Medicine Keynote Address. Lahey described the milestone of receiving one's first white coat as "a holy moment."  Read more >>

Words of Gratitude from UVM Vaccine Testing Center to the Vermont Community

AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine Study teamIn the fall of 2020, the UVM Vaccine Testing Center (VTC) began participating in research to evaluate the efficacy of a new COVID-19 vaccine, from AstraZeneca. Our task was to enroll volunteers thought to be at the highest risk of COVID-19 illness. From the start, this was the largest and most rapid effort undertaken by our 20-year-old VTC research team.

Time was of the essence. For a study of this scale and importance, a new physical clinic site had to be established and outfitted immediately. A large team of study staff had to be hired and extensively trained. Volunteers willing to be vaccinated had to be identified. Each volunteer had to commit significant time and effort to be educated on the risks and benefits of this trial, and needed to be willing to participate throughout the length of the study.

To our surprise and gratitude, more than 3,000 individuals from Vermont and surrounding regions of New York, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire stepped forward to volunteer — an overwhelmingly positive response. Ultimately, approximately 300 individuals participated and generously committed their time to support understanding of the effectiveness of this vaccine candidate. As this study closes this December 2022, the UVM Vaccine Testing Center research team owes a true debt of gratitude to many individuals and teams. 

Read the full thank you message from the Vaccine Testing Center's Beth Kirkpatrick, M.D., Kristen Pierce, M.D., and Mary Claire Walsh, P.A.

Accessing e-Journal Content

QR Code for e-Journal AccessHaving trouble accessing e-Journals and UVM Medical Center, UVM, or when working from home? Scan the QR code at the left to access a PDF document with advice on accessing e-Journal content. List from Department of Medicine website showing where to access e-journalsYou can also access the PDF document through the Department of Medicine Research website. Look for the column titled Resources, and click on "Accessing e-Journals."

Faculty and Staff News

Earth, as seen from space
  • The Department of Medicine Sustainability Workgroup held its first meeting in early November. The group has representation from several Department of Medicine divisions and is in the process of identifying targets for planetary health efforts, in the domains of advocacy, education (patient, provider, learner) and direct sustainability work in the clinical setting. Our initial focus will be to increase awareness among our colleagues about planetary health, including the role of health care in climate change, present and future impacts on health, and ways to get involved. Stay tuned for future grand rounds presentations on this topic. If you are interested in joining the group, please email Michael Latreille, M.D.
  • Division of Infectious Disease faculty and fellows attended the Apicowplexa Conference, an international meeting on Apicomplexa in farm animals, in Bern, Switzerland, in October 2022. Apicomplexan parasites are of global concern as they represent a threat to food supply worldwide. Peter Hyson, M.D., our second-year infectious disease fellow is doing research on Babesiosis and had a poster accepted for presentation at this conference. Dr. Hyson presented the poster at the conference with his research mentor, Christopher Huston, M.D.

Scenes from the Apicowplexa Conference in Bern, Switzerland

  • Infectious Disease faculty and fellows attended the Infectious Disease Week Conference in Washington, D.C., both in person and virtually. This national conference is key to the dissemination of information in this ever-changing field. It is also a great way to stay in touch with graduated fellows from our Infectious Disease Fellowship Training Program.
    Infectious Disease faculty attending a dinner in Washington, D.C.Pictured above are attendees to the 2022 Infectious Disease Week in Washington, D.C.: Colin Tkatch, M.D., first-year fellow; Sarah Mooney, M.D., graduated fellow 2012; Katherine Peterson, D.O., graduated fellow 2022; Cindy Noyes, M.D., graduated fellow 2011; W. Kemper Alston, M.D., director of the Division of Infectious Disease.
  • Multiple faculty and fellows in the Division of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology attended the American College of Rheumatology Annual Meeting in November 2022.
  • Several faculty members from the Division of Nephrology attended the American Society of Nephrology (ASN) 2022 Kidney Week in Orlando, Florida, November 2-6, 2022.
  • Faculty and staff participated in the Vermont Kidney Association walk on September 25 in Oakledge Park, South Burlington. The
    Vermont Kidney Association logoannual event increases awareness about kidney disease and raises funds for the Vermont Kidney Association. 

Table of Contents
Winter 2022

News and Events
Faculty and Staff News
New Faculty and Staff
New N.P.s and P.A.s
Faculty and Staff Promotions
Upcoming Conferences
Division Announcements
Awards and Recognition
Research News
People in the Media
Faculty Presentations
Experts on Campus

Moment of Equipoise view submissions

Please pause for a moment to reflect on original creative works by Department of Medicine faculty and staff.  

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Department of Medicine
The University of Vermont Medical Center
111 Colchester Avenue,
Fletcher 311
Burlington, VT 05401
Phone: (802) 847-4950
Fax: (802) 847-5368

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New Faculty

  • Eric Klett, M.D., joined the Division of Endocrinology as associate professor.
  • Brendan Campbell, M.D., will join the Division of Infectious Disease this summer after completion of residency at the University of Vermont Medical Center.
  • Benjamin Depo, M.D., joined the Division of General Internal Medicine as assistant professor.
  • Georgia Farrell, M.D., joined the Division of Hospital Medicine as assistant professor.
  • Vanessa Fiorini-Furtado, M.D., joined the Division of Hematology/Oncology as assistant professor.
  • Arjun Fung-Janardhan, M.D., joined the Division of Hospital Medicine as assistant professor.
  • James Gerson, M.D., joined the Division of Hematology/Oncology as assistant professor.
  • Mansour Gregor, M.D., joined the Division of Hematology/Oncology as assistant professor.
  • Ena Gupta, M.D., joined the Division of Pulmonary Disease and Critical Care Medicine as assistant professor.
  • Tanesh Gupta, M.D., joined the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine as assistant professor.
  • Jonathan Hingre, M.D., joined the Division of Hospital Medicine as assistant professor.
  • Elena Kozakewich, M.D., joined the Division of Pulmonary Disease and Critical Care Medicine as assistant professor.
  • Kary Landry, M.D., joined the Division of Hematology/Oncology as assistant professor.
  • Aaron Levitt, M.D., joined the Division of Hospital Medicine as assistant professor.
  • Katherine Peterson, D.O., joined the Division of Infectious Disease as an attending physician. Dr. Peterson did her fellowship at the UVM Medical Center.
  • John Openshaw, M.D., joined the Division of Infectious Disease as assistant professor. Dr. Openshaw is primarily involved in COBRE-funded global research with the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, and also joins our team of infectious disease clinical providers.
  • Brendan Thoms, M.D., joined the Division of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology as assistant professor.

New Staff

The Department of Medicine has three new staff members on the Administrative Support team:

  • Brianna Prim joined on November 14, 2022, as the Physician Executive Assistant for Interim Chair Dr. Anne Dixon. Brianna worked for many years with the UVM Health Network Ear, Nose & Throat division, rising to the level of Operations Support Specialist. In her new role, Brianna replaced Lisa Yates (who replaced Laurie St. Gelais). Brianna is located in the Fletcher Medicine Offices.
  • Allison Dorris is the department’s new Faculty Recruitment and Reappointment Coordinator. In this role, Allie will support division chiefs and search committees with the faculty recruitment process and assist with the faculty reappointment process at UVM. Allie worked previously as a Student Accounts Representative at Champlain College. She shares an office with Bridget Tully on the third floor of Given.
  • Jordan Primeaux joined as a staff assistant following graduation from the University of Vermont in May 2022. Jordan has interacted with many of the divisions focusing on supporting Cardiology, Endocrinology, Nephrology, and Allen. Jordan is located in the Fletcher Medicine offices.

Special thank you to Denise Russell for bridging the administrative gap so effectively between Lisa Yates and Brianna Prim. Thank you, Denise!

New Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants

  • Amanda Sing, N.P., joined the Division of Geriatric Medicine. She will be working with our clinical team at Birchwood Terrace Nursing Home in Burlington. 
  • Tatyana Makhlina, APRN, joined the the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine Interventional Cardiology Service.
  • Amber Snow, N.P., joined the Division of Internal Medicine at Essex Adult Primary Care.
  • Zack Schwartz, N.P., joined the Division Division of Internal Medicine at Williston Adult Primary Care. 
  • Alessi Ferrentino, P.A., joined the Division of Gastroenterology.

Faculty and Staff Promotions

  • MaryEllen Antkowiak, M.D., was promoted to Associate Professor in the Division of Pulmonary Disease and Critical Care Medicine
  • Maura Barry, M.D., was promoted to Associate Professor of Medicine in the Division of Hematology/Oncology.
  • Kaitlyn Barrett, D.O., assistant professor of medicine in the Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, was promoted to IGCC Chair.
  • Philip Eisenhauer was promoted to Researcher/Analyst in the Division of Immunobiology.
  • Matthew Gilbert, D.O., M.P.H., associate professor of medicine in the Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, was appointed Director of Diabetes for the UVM Health Network.
  • Jennifer Kelly, D.O., was appointed Interim Chief of the Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism.
  • Joseph Pierson, M.D., was appointed Interim Chief of the Division of Dermatology.
  • Halle Sobel, M.D., was promoted to Professor in the Division of General Internal Medicine and Geriatrics.

Upcoming Conferences:

Hospital Medicine
January 29-31, 2023
Stowe, Vermont

34th Annual Eastern Winter Dermatology Conference
February 2-5, 2023
Stowe, Vermont

Stem Cells, Cell Therapies, and Bioengineering in Lung Biology and Diseases
July 17-20, 2023
Burlington, Vermont

Women in Medicine Conference
August 22-25, 2023
Suquamish, WA

Division Announcements

  • The University of Vermont, under the auspices of the Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, was one of 28 care centers to receive the Centers of Excellence recognition from the Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) Foundation in November 2022. The work to earn this enviable accreditation followed the singular efforts of Richard Solomon M.D., Emeritus Professor of Medicine and immediate past Chief of the Division of Nephrology. The formation of the PKD Foundation Centers of Excellence (COE) highlights that the best way to provide autosomal dominant PKD-centered care is through patient-focused, comprehensive care with the coordination and support of a patient navigation team.
  • The Division of Geriatric Medicine is celebrating that Burlington, Vt.-based Birchwood Terrace Rehab and Healthcare was named a five-star facility by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and rated by US News & World Report as a Best Nursing Home 2022-2023. In a letter to faculty and staff, division chief Michael LaMantia, M.D., M.P.H., associate professor of medicine, thanked the team for their effort: "Seeing these data in print underscores for me how powerful our approach to care is." He added, "And it reminds me of how much of a team effort it takes to provide this care. Each one of us played a role in these results, whether we provided hands-on care, covered for each other in the clinic or on the wards while some of us went out to Birchwood, or simply provided great on-call care to help treat our patients appropriately on-site in the building." Leadership at Birchwood Terrace includes Alecia Dimario, executive director, and Isaura Menzies, M.D., M.P.H., associate professor of medicine, who serves as the medical director.
  • The UVM Cystic Fibrosis Center, which cares for both pediatric and adult patients, was recognized by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF) for the center’s success in enrolling patients in CFF-sanctioned studies. UVM was ranked first out of 80 CFF Therapeutics Development Network Centers in this category. The adult and pediatric CF program at the UVM Medical Center serves approximately 160 patients across Vermont and northern New York, with adults composing about 60 percent and children/youth composing about 40 percent of this population. Charlotte Teneback, M.D., associate professor of medicie in the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care, leads the he adult CF research program, assisted by Abraham Sender, PA-C, physician assistant and clinical staff, and Zachary Weintraub, M.D., assistant professor of medicine.
  • The Division of Infectious Disease growth rates …. what is the secret? In 1985, there was only one infectious disease provider in this division at the medical center. Since then, 19 faculty have joined the division, and today there are 15 infectious disease physicians working in UVM Medical Center's hospital rooms and clinics, laboratories, boardrooms, and globally…saving lives. This team is also joined by the infectious disease research faculty, as well as providers from Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital, and Central Vermont Medical Center. We would like to recognize the dedication of all the ID docs this division has been supported by over the years.

Faculty and staff on Mount Philo among autumn foliage

Pictured above: Division of General Internal Medicine faculty and staff enjoyed a hike on Vermont's Mount Philo this fall.

Awards and Recognition

Larner College of Medicine Awards and Appointments

Dr. Emily Greenberger

Emily Greenberger, M.D., and colleagues received a Frymoyer scholarship for their project, "Fostering the Qualities of Excellent Clinical Teachers in Medicine: Interprofessional Collaboration for Feedback, Coaching, and Assessment in Medical Education."

“This project aims to evaluate and improve the Resident and Student as Teacher (RAST) course by including formative, longitudinal, and multidisciplinary coaching and teaching assessments for our trainees,” says Dr. Greenberger.

Read more about the 2022 Frymoyer Scholars Projects and Investigators.

Jason Bartsh, M.D., assistant professor in the Division of Hospital Medicine, was elected a member of the LCOM Medical Education Antiracism Task Force.

Maura Barry, M.D., associate professor of medicine in the Division of Hematology/Oncology, was accepted as a member of the UVM Teaching Academy.

Steven Grant, M.D., associate professor in the Division of Hospital Medicine, became board certified in Health Care Quality and Management.

Annalis Whitaker and Inessa Manuelyan, graduate students in the Jason Botten, Ph.D., lab, received travel awards to present their research at the 2022 American Society of Virology meeting in Madison, Wisconsin. Whitaker also won the senior division of the 2022 UVM Dean’s Excellence in Research Graduate Student Showcase.

Regional and Local Awards

Tim Lahey, M.D.Timothy Lahey, M.D., (pictured at left) professor in the Division of Infectious Disease, received the 2022 Physician of the Year Award from the Vermont Medical Society. This award is granted annually to a physician who has demonstrated outstanding performance in the quality of care given to patients; demonstrated skillful and compassionate patient care; and demonstrated dedication to the welfare of patients in accordance with accepted principles of good medical practice.

Randall Holcombe, M.D.M.B.A., professor and chief of the Division of Hematology/Oncology, was inducted into the Vermont Academy of Science and Engineering (VASE).

National Awards, Service and Leadership Roles

Mary Cushman, M.D., M.Sc.Mary Cushman, M.D., M.Sc., professor and vice chair in the Division of Hematology/Oncology, was named a Top Female Scientist for 2022 in a new online ranking of the top female scientists in the United States conducted by Research.com. Dr. Cushman ranked #124 in the U.S., and #193 in the world. Cushman serves as the Department of Medicine’s vice chair for emerging scientists and is a University Scholar at UVM. According to a November 23, 2022, online article by Research.com, “The aim of this ranking is to inspire female scholars, women considering an academic career, as well as decision-makers worldwide with the example of successful women in the scientific community.” The Research.com article described the long history of gender bias in research and commented on the need to address systemic gender inequality. Read more about Cushman's scholarly achievements on the Research.com site.

Dr. Cushman, who is director of the Thrombosis and Hemostasis Program at the UVM Medical Center, was elected as one of five new Council members in the Council Class of 2028 of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH). ISTH is the leading thrombosis- and hemostasis-related professional organization in the world with more than 7,700 members in over 110 countries. Dr. Cushman is the editor-in-chief of ISTH's Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis journal and is a long-serving member and leader in the ISTH.

Dr. Katie Menson, D.O.

Katherine Menson, D.O., assistant professor of pulmonary and critical care medicine, joined the board of directors of the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation.

Dr. Menson also joined the American Thoracic Society's Pulmonary Rehabilitation Web Committee.

Steven Lidofsky, M.D., professor in the Division of Gastroenterology, served as a moderator, on behalf of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, for a Congressional Briefing Focused on Liver Cancer.

Jason Botten, Ph.D., professor in the Division of Pulmonary Disease and Critical Care Medicine, served as a reviewer for the NIH Study Section ZRG1 IDIA-S (02) Member Conflict: Topics in Virology.

Dr. Botten and Rebekah Honce, Ph.D., postdoctoral fellow in the Division of Pulmonary Disease and Critical Care Medicine, are serving as guest editors for the special topic issue, “Arenaviruses 2023,” in the journal Viruses.

Bonita Libman, M.D., professor in the Division of Rheumatoloty and Clinical Immunology, was selected as a member of the American College of Rheumatology Finance Committee

Diego Adrianzen Herrera, M.D., assistant professor in the Division of Hematology/Oncology, was appointed as a member of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Programs Committee of the American Society of Hematology.

Research News

New Research Grants

Chris Holmes, M.D., Ph.D.Chris Holmes, M.D., Ph.D., (pictured at left) professor in the Division of Hematology/Oncology, received an $182,325 National Cancer Institute award to study a protein found on the surface of platelets — called FcyRIIa — to determine whether it can be used in a test to identify whether patients are at a high or low risk for blood-clotting complications during cancer treatment.

Jason Botten, Ph.D., professor in the Division of Pulmonary Disease and Critical Care Medicine, received a NIH R01 award to study arenavirus defective interfering particles.

Naomi Hodd, M.D., assistant professor in the Division of Hospital Medicine, is principal investigator and recipient of $45,440 for Best Practices for Serious Illness Communication Trainings.

Christopher Huston, M.D., professor in the Division of Infectious Disease, is principal investigator on a two-year, $275,000 NIAID R21 award for Methods to Study Cryptosporidium drug resistance.

Beth Kirkpatrick, M.D., professor in the Division of Infectious Disease and director of the Vaccine Testing Center, received an award from the NIH for Operation of a Facility for the Study of Infectious Agent, Vaccines and Antimicrobials in Adult and pediatric  human subjects. (Sept 2020-Aug 2029).

Timothy Plante, M.D., assistant professor in the Division of Internal Medicine and Geriatrics, is principal investigator on a study supported by the American Heart Association titled  “Digital Advertisements for Inclusive Trial Accrual.” This multi-institutional project investigates ways to identify more effective online advertising approaches to improve representative recruitment of people of color to clinical trials of cardiovascular disease prevention. Timothy Lahey, M.D., professor in the Division of Infectious Disease, is co-investigator.

Dr Lahey received funds from the UVM Medical Center to study “Evaluating the Impact of Clinical Ethics Screening in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit."

Elly Riser, M.D., assistant professor in the Division of Hospital Medicine, is the recipient of three grants:

  • Increasing the Pipeline of MAT Prescribers: DATA Wavier Training for All Vermont Medical Students at the Larner College of Medicine. Co-Investigator. $103,766.
  • The Time Is Now: Inpatient Buprenorphine/Naloxone Initiation for Patients with Opioid Use Disorder. Principle Investigator. $56,000.
  • Start Treatment and Recovery (STAR). Inpatient Physician Director. $3,749,031.

Devika Singh, M.D., assistant professor in the Division of Infectious Disease, was awarded a $50,000 New England AIDS Education Training Centers Subaward (July 2022- June 2023), and is principal investigator.

Research Advances and Collaborations

Alana Nevares, M.D.Alana Nevares, M.D., (pictured at left) assistant professor in the Division of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, is working with Chantal Roy-Hewitson, M.D., assistant professor in the Department of Neurological Sciences, in a multidisciplinary rheumatology-neurology clinic.

Bonita Libman, M.D., professor in the Division of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, is working with American College of Rheumatology Program Directors in the Northeast on a musculoskeletal examination consensus study.

Steven Grant, M.D., associate professor in the Division of Hospital Medicine, wrote "No Way Out: How to manage declined discharges,” for American College of Physician Advisors Update. August 2022.

Amanda Kennedy, Pharm.D., professor in the Division of Hospital Medicine, co-created and piloted an “Academic Detailing 201” half-day workshop that will be offered several times per year to a national audience of learners, by the National Resource Center for Academic Detailing, in Boston, Massachusetts.

Elly Riser, M.D., assistant professor of medicine in the Division of Hospital Medicine, designed and implemented a four-hour educational session on the diagnosis and treatment of substance use disorders for all third-year medical students at the Larner College of Medicine.

In a paper that received media attention, Mary Cushman, M.D., M.S.c., and colleagues showed that systemic symptoms after SARS CoV2 vaccination were associated with a greater serologic response: Hermann EA, Lee B, Balte PP, Xanthakis V, Kirkpatrick BD, Cushman M, Oelsner E. Association of Symptoms After COVID-19 Vaccination With Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Response in the Framingham Heart Study. JAMA Netw Open 2022;5:e2237908.

The Division of Infectious Disease is collaborating with Bern University, in Switzerland, for a visiting scientist opportunity at the Institute of Parasitology, funded by the Huston Research Gift award sundry fund.

Faculty in the Division of Gastroenterology are collaborating with the UVM Health Network on several projects:

  • Early Diagnosis of Pancreatic Cancer
  • Prevalence and Treatment of Venous Thromboembolism in Patients with Pancreatic Cancer Cared for at UVM Medical Center
  • Same-Date Transfer and Return (STAR) ERCP Procedures in the UVM Health Network: Patient Selection and Outcomes
  • Automation of Adenoma Detection Rate Monitoring at UVMMC

In the Media

Peter Spector, M.D.A Seven Days article about CoreMap, co-founded by cardiologist and Peter Spector, M.D., (pictured at left) professor in the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, explained how the medical technology startup uses technology Spector developed at the UVM Medical Center to search for a breakthrough in detecting the source of atrial fibrillation, or AF, and solving the long-standing challenge of providing individualized treatment for AF. Dr. Spector's technology employs a catheter tipped with tiny electrodes that can detect abnormal electrical activity and feed the data into a mapping system that generates high-resolution 3D images of the heart. With those detailed visuals, surgeons should be able to zero in on the source of an erratic rhythm, increasing the chances of a successful ablation.

David Kaminsky, M.D., professor in the Division of Pulmonary Disease and Critical Care Medicine, was interviewed by several news media for stories about a Vermont family’s search for answers and their commitment to fund research following the death of 27-year-old Charles Vallee, who suffered from long Covid. Media coverage included:

Mary Cushman, M.D., M.Sc., professor in the Division of Hematology/Oncology, was featured in a story about the grand opening of the Firestone Medical Research Building, written by Jennifer Nachbur, Public Relations Director for the Larner College of Medicine. The story was picked up by Vermont Biz

HealthDay News reported on a study by Neil A. Zakai, M.D., professor of medicine in the Division of Hematology/Oncology, and Mary Cushman, M.D., M.Sc., and colleagues, published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. The study found that lower levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) are associated with increased coronary heart disease (CHD) risk in White but not Black adults, and higher levels of HDL-C are not protective for either group.

Mary Cushman, M.D., M.Sc., was featured in media coverage of the American Society of Hematology Annual Conference for the presentation, “Social Determinants of Health and Pulmonary Embolism Treatment and Mortality: The Nationwide Inpatient Sample” December 10, 2022.

Randall Holcomb, M.D., M.B.A., spoke with WCAX-TV about President Biden’s “cancer moonshot” initiative in September 2022. 

Timothy Lahey, M.D., professor in the Division of Infectious Disease, has been quoted multiple times on Covid-19 and other infectious Disease outbreaks in VT Digger, WCAX and other local news affiliates as well as once in the Wall Street Journal.

Louis Polish, M.D., associate professor in the Division of Infectious Disease, participated in a media interview regarding a research letter Dr. Polish co-authored with Pamela Gibson, M.D., about a rare parasitic disease — alveolar echinococcosis (AE) — published in the New England Journal of Medicine: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc2210000, November 17, 2022. Dr. Polish’s interview was carried by several publications including:

Kathrine Menson, D.O., assistant professor in the Division of Pulmonary Disease and Critical Care Medicine, was interviewed for a Seven Days feature story about the struggles of people with long-COVID

WVNY-TV interviewed Vermont Health Commissioner Mark Levine, M.D., professor in the Division of General Internal Medicine, and Rebecca Bell, M.D., associate professor in the Department of Pediatrics, about a "triple threat" of serious viruses that could impact the upcoming holiday season, as the flu, Covid-19, and the respiratory virus RSV can spread easily in close contact.

Faculty Presentations

Division of Cardiovascular Medicine

Harold Dauerman, M.D., served as Co-Chair for the Medscape Live conference, "Going Back to the Heart of Cardiology" in San Diego, December 3-5 2022. The University of Vermont, Duke University and Columbia University presented live cases in complex structural heart, coronary, and endovascular intervention. 

Steering Committee, New England Valve and Structural Heart Annual Symposium (Boston, October 2022)

Co-Chair, Late Breaking Clinical Trials Transcatheter Therapeutics Annual Meeting Boston 2022.

Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism

Jennifer Kelly, D.O., presented at an Osteoporosis Day for PCP’s supported by the University of Vermont on November 22, 2022.

Division of Infectious Disease

Second-year Infectious Disease Fellow Peter Hyson, M.D., and Professor of Medicine Christopher Huston, M.D., presented a poster at the Apicowplexa Conference in Bern Switzerland in October 2022: Besting Babesiosis: Pathogen-hopping to identify high-value drug leads agains Babesia spp. Hyson P, Dews EA, Teixeira JE, Huston CD.

Division of General Internal Medicine

Halle Sobel, M.D., presented on three topics at the Society of General Internal Medicine New England Regional Meeting in Boston on September 17, 2022:

Steinmetz D, Jones K,  Shea J, Kennedy AG, Sobel HG. Resident Physicians’ Perceptions of Telemedicine in a Primary Care Setting.  SGIM  Boston, MA.

Riser E, Sobel HG, MacLean C.  Advancing Addiction Medicine Education in Undergraduate Medical Education: The Creation of an Addiction Medicine Elective.

Sobel, HG:  Presentation: Update in Primary Care

Division of Nephrology

Several faculty members from the Division of Nephrology attended the American Society of Nephrology (ASN) 2022 Kidney Week in Orlando, Florida, November 2-6, 2022. The Division presented four posters:

  • Onuigbo MA. Four-Year Report on Renal Outcomes Following Elective Withdrawal of Long-Term RAAS Blockade in a Cohort of Patients With Otherwise Inexplicable New-Onset and Progressive AKI. J Am Soc Nephrol 33: 2022. TH-PO053 Poster.
  • Morrison-Nozik J, Prikis M, Malinis M, Kumar A. Organ Discards Rates a Year After Change in Increased Risk Definition for Organ Allocation. J Am Soc Nephrol 33: 2022. SA-PO837 Poster.
  • Bergeron J, Damon C, Meagher S, Cheung KL. Validity and Practice Patterns of Mortality Risk Prediction Tools in Dialysis Patients. J Am Soc Nephrol 33: 2022. TH-PO795 Poster.
  • Cheung KL, Renteria MA, Callas PW, Tamura M, Gutierrez OM, Cushman M. Cognitive Impairment and Trajectories in CKD: The REGARDS Study. J Am Soc Nephrol 33: 2022. TH-PO774 Poster.
Division of Pulmonary Disease and Critical Care Medicine

Jason Botten, Ph.D., was selected as a Keynote Speaker at the 8th Biennial National IDeA Symposium of Biomedical Research Excellence (NISBRE) meeting to represent the National NISBR program.

Jason Botten, Ph.D., taught in an international virology course hosted at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden.

Division of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology

Brendan Thoms, M.D. and Chi Chi Lau, M.D., presented a poster at the Annual American College of Rheumatology Convergence annual meeting in November: Thoms B, Tompkins B, Lau C. Use of the Routine Assessment of Patient Index Data 3 (RAPID3) Questionnaire in the Assessment of Chronic Lower Back Pain [abstract]. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2022; 74 (suppl 9). Accessed September 23, 2022.

Alana Nevares, M.D., was part of the team that presented an abstract “Effusive constrictive pericarditis secondary to IgG4-related disease” at the American College of Cardiology national meeting April 2022.

Experts Visit Campus

Christine Cassel, M.D., was Tisdale Speaker: “Improvement Science Speaker Series” – Diagnostic Excellence, Christine Cassel – September 9, 2022. Dr. Cassel is a leading expert in geriatric medicine, medical ethics and quality of care. She is planning dean of the Kaiser Permanente School of Medicine.

Paul Miller, M.D., gave grand rounds and another lecture in October. Dr. Miller is regarded one of the world's foremost experts in metabolic bone disease. He is a Distinguished Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of Colorado Medical Center, and Medical Director of his solo private practice, the Miller Bone Center, in Denver, Colorado.

Eric Austin, M.D., MSCI, presented on pulmonary hypertension. An associate professor of pediatrics at University of Vanderbilt, Dr. Austin is director of Vanderbilt Pediatric Pulmonary Hypertension Program.

The Ouellette Endowed Lectureship in the Vermont Lung Center featured two presentations as part of the Larner College of Medicine Reunion 2022 October 13-16: 

Jack Spengler, Ph.D., the Akiri Yamaguchi professor of environmental health and human habitation at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, presented on "The Air Within - Pathogens, Allergens, Pollution in Our Indoor Environment."

Stephanie Taylor, M.D., M.Arch., of Taylor Healthcare Commissioning, Inc. in Stowe, Vt., discussed "Buildings are Our Best Medicine."


Division of Cardiovascular Medicine

Sharma T, Tapales AJD, Ross CS, Malenka DJ, Flynn JM, Ferguson M, Young MN, Vasaiwala S, Kramer RS, Iribarne A, Dauerman HL. Concordance of Guideline-Based Risk Stratification and Selection of Patients forTranscatheter Aortic Valve Implantation or Surgical Replacement. Am J Cardiol. 2022 Jun 15;173:94-99. doi: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2022.02.042. Epub 2022 Mar 30. PMID: 35367045.

Lahoud RN, Dauerman HL, Callas P, Henderson A, Martin JA, Solomon RJ. Nitric oxide acute kidney injury (NO-AKI) pilot trial. J Thromb Thrombolysis. 2022 Jul;54(1):7-10. doi: 10.1007/s11239-022-02645-1. Epub 2022 Apr 8. PMID: 35394244.

Dauerman HL. Medicine, Writing, and the Limits of Language. JAMA Cardiol. 2022 Aug 1;7(8):783-784. doi: 10.1001/jamacardio.2022.0995. PMID: 35612862.

Sharma T, Krishnan AM, Lahoud R, Polomsky M, Dauerman HL. National Trends in TAVR and SAVR for Patients With Severe Isolated Aortic Stenosis. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2022 Nov 22;80(21):2054-2056. doi: 10.1016/j.jacc.2022.08.787. Epub 2022 Sep 16. PMID: 36122626.

Araki M, Park SJ, Dauerman HL, et al. Optical coherence tomography in coronary atherosclerosis assessment and intervention. Nat Rev Cardiol. 2022 Oct;19(10):684-703. doi: 10.1038/s41569-022-00687-9. Epub 2022 Apr 21. PMID: 35449407.

Division of Dermatology

Whittington CP, Kalsi S, Morley KW, Bui MR. Nevus Sebaceus Arising Within a Scalp Whorl of a Healthy Male Neonate. Cureus. 2022 Oct 9;14(10). DOI: 10.7759/cureus.30094

Shea K, Potter K, Weinberger C. Repair of a large cheek defect. Derm Surg. 2022;48(9):989-991. doi: 10.1097/DSS.0000000000003161

Salusti-Simpson M, Porter H, Fischer A. Acute vulvar ulcers and the COVID-19 booster vaccine. JAAD Case Rep. 2022 Aug;26:82-84. doi: 10.1016/j.jdcr.2022.06.019. Epub 2022 Jul 2. doi: 10.1016/j.jdcr.2022.06.019

Salusti-Simpson M, Marghoob N, Greene L, Morley K. Congenital cutaneous candidiasis in a full-term neonate. Pediatr Dermatol. 2022 Nov; 39(6):952-954 doi: 10.1111/pde.15088.

Salusti-Simpson M, Porter H, Morley K. A likely case of abemaciclib-induced hyperpigmentation in a patient with metastatic breast cancer. Cureus. 2022;14(9):e28948. doi: 10.7759/cureus.28948

Salusti-Simpson M, Madrid M, Cook D, Pierson J. Persistent carbuncle on the chin of an older man. JAAD Case Rep. 2022 Aug 9;28:8-10. doi: 10.1016/j.jdcr.2022.08.001

Division of Hematology/Oncology

Dube SL, Sigmon S, Althoff RR, Dittus K, Gaalema DE, Ogden DE, Phillips J, Ades P. Association of self-reported executive function and mood with executive function task performance across adult populations. Appl Neuropsychol Adult. 2022 Jul-Aug;29(4):605-616. doi: 10.1080/23279095.2020.1794869

Okodo I, Pagano I, Cassel K, Su’esu’e A, Rhee J, Berenberg J, Holcombe RF. Clinical Research Professional Providing Care Coordination Support: A Study of Hawaii Minority/Underserved NCORP Community Site Trial Participants. JCO Oncol Pract. 2022 Jul;18(7):e1114. doi: 10.1200/OP.21.00655.

Metcalf RA, Cohn CS, Allen Es, Bakhtary S, Gniadek T, Gupta G, Harm S, Haspel R, Hess A, Jacobson J, Lokhandwala PM, Murphy C, Poston J, Prochaska MT, Raval JS, Saifee NH, Salazar E, Shan H, Zantek N, Pagano MB. Current advances in transfusion medicine 2021: A critical review of selected topics by the AABB Clinical Transfusion Medicine Committee.  Transfusion. 2022 Jul;62(7):1435-1445. doi: 10.1111/trf.16944.

Gonzalez-Lugo JD, Kambhampati S, Yacoub A, Donnellan WB, Berdeja J, Bhagat P, Fehn K, Remy C, Jasra S, Kazemi M, Pradhan K, Kim M, Mantzaris I, Sica RA, Shah N, Goldfinger M, Kornblum N, Gritsman K, Braunschweig I, Steidl U, Will B, Shastri A, Verma A. Lenalidomide and Eltrombopag for Treatment of Low or Intermediate Risk Myelodysplastic Syndrome: Result of a Phase 2 Clinical Trial. Clin Cancer Res. 2022 Oct 18;CCR-22-1457. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-22-1457.

Ruhl AP, Jeffries N, Yang Y, Gutierrez OM, Muntner P, Naik RP, Pecker LH, Mott BT, Zakai NA, Safford MM, Lange LA, Winkler CA, Irvin MR, Cushman M, Ackerman HC. Alpha globin gene copy number and hypertension risk among Black Americans. PLoS One 2022 Jul 14;17(7):e0271031. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0271031.

Lutsey PL, Evensen LH, Thenappan T, Prins KW, Walker RF, Farley JF, MacLehose RF, Alonso A, Zakai NA. Incidence and Risk Factors of Pulmonary Hypertension After Venous Thromboembolism: An Analysis of a Large Health Care Database. J Am Heart Assoc. 2022 July 19;11(14):e024358. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.121.024358.

Akinyelure OP, Colantonio LD, Chaudhary NS, Jaeger BC, Judd SE, Cushman M, Zakai NA, Kabagambe EK, Howard VJ, Safford MM, Irvin MR. Inflammation biomarkers and incident coronary heart disease: the Reasons for Geographic And Racial Differences in Stroke. Am Heart J 2022 Nov;253:39-47. doi: 10.1016/j.ahj.2022.07.001.

Jordan Bruno XJ, Koh I, Lutsey PL, Walker RF, Roetker NS, Wilkinson K, Smith NL, Plante TB, Repp AB, Holmes CE, Cushman M, Zakai NA. Venous thrombosis risk during and after medical and surgical hospitalizations: the Medical Inpatient Thrombosis and Hemostasis (MITH) Study. J Thromb Haemost 2022 Jul;20(7):1645-1652. doi: 10.1111/jth.15729.

Navi BB, Zhang C, Sherman CP, Genova R, LeMoss NM, Kamel H, Tagawa ST, Saxena A, Ocean AJ, Kasner SE, Cushman M, Elkind MSV, Peerschke E, DeAngelis LM. Ischemic Stroke with Cancers: Hematologic and Embolic Biomarkers and Clinical Outcomes. J Thromb Haemost 2022 Sep;20:2046-2057. doi: 10.1111/jth.15779.

Poston JN, Kruse-Jarres R. Advances in Acquired Hemophilia A. Transfus Med Rev. 2022 Sep 7;S0887-7963(22)00038-4. doi: 10.1016/j.tmrv.2022.07.001.

Oelsner EC, Krishnaswamy A, Balte PP, Allen NB, Ali T, Anugu P, Andrews H, Arora K, Asaro A, Barr RG, Bertoni AG, Bon J, Boyle R, Chang AA, Chen G, Coady S, Cole SA, Coresh J, Cornell E, Correa A, Couper D, Cushman M, Demmer RT, Elkind MSV, Folsom AR, Fretts AM, Gabriel KP, Gallo L, Gutierrez J, Han MLK, Henderson JM, Howard VJ, Isasi CR, Jacobs DR Jr, Judd SE, Mukaz DK, Kanaya AM, Kandula NR, Kaplan R, Kinney GL, Kucharska-Newton A, Lee JS, Lewis CE, Levine DA, Levitan EB, Levy B, Make B, Malloy K, Manly JJ, Mendoza-Puccini C, Meyer KA, Min YI, Moll M, Moore WC, Mauger D, Ortega VE, Palta P, Parker MM, Phipatanakul W, Post WS, Postow L, Psaty BM, Regan EA, Ring K, Roger VL, Rotter JI, Rundek T, Sacco RL, Schembri M, Schwartz DA, Seshadri S, Shikany JM, Sims M, Hinckley Stukovsky KD, Talavera GA, Tracy RP, Umans JG, Vasan RS, Watson K, Wenzel SE, Winters K, Woodruff PG, Xanthakis V, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, for the C4R Investigators FT. Collaborative Cohort of Cohorts for COVID-19 Research (C4R) Study: Study Design. Am J Epidemiol 2022;191:1153-73.

Patel RJ, Ding J, Marvel FA, Shan R, Plante TB, Blaha MJ, Post WS, Martin SS. Associations of Demographic, Socioeconomic, and Cognitive Characteristics With Mobile Health Access: MESA (Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis) J Am Heart Assoc. 2022 Sep 6;11(17):e024885. doi: 10.1161/JAH.121.024885

Abdulrehman J, Elbaz C, Aziz D, Parpia S, Fazelzad R, Eischer L, Rodger MA, Cannegieter SC, Ten Cate-Hoek A, Nagler M, Schulman S, Rezende SM, Olié V, Palareti G, Marcucci M, Douketis J, Poli D, Zabczyk M, de Sousa DA, Miranda B, Cushman M, Tosetto A, Le Gal G, Kearon C, Skeith L. Recurrence after stopping anticoagulants in women with combined oral contraceptive-associated venous thromboembolism: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Brit J Haematol 2022 Oct;199(1):130-142. doi: 10.1111/bjh.18331.

Stephens ET, Nguyen ATH, Jaffray J, Branchford B, Amankwah EK, Goldenberg NA, Faustino EV, Zakai NA, Stillings A, Krava E, Young G, Fargo JH. Risk of venous thromboembolism in pediatric hospitalized patients undergoing noncardiac surgery: A report from the Children’s Hospital-Acquired Thrombosis consortium. Res Pract Thromb Haemost. 2022 Oct 13;6(7):e12810. doi: 10.1002/rth2.12810.

Wettersten N, Mital R, Cushman M, Howard G, Judd SE, Howard VJ, Safford MM, Hartmann O, Bergmann A, Struck J, Maisel A.. Growth hormone concentration and risk of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality: the REasons for Geographic And Racial Disparities in Stroke (REGARDS) Study. Atherosclerosis 2022 Oct;359:20-26. doi: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2022.09.004.

Adrianzen-Herrera D, Sparks AD, Shastri A, Zakai NA, Littenberg B. Geographic disparities in cardiovascular mortality among patients with myelodyplastic syndromes: A population-based analysis. Cancer Epidemiol. 2022 Oct;80:102238. doi: 10.1016/j.canep.2022.102238.

Adrianzen-Herrera DA, Shastri A. Unrelated Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplant in Relapsed/Refractory AML: Widening the Yellow Brick Road. Clin Cancer Res. 2022 Oct 3;28(19):4167. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-22-1881.

Durda P, Raffield LM, Lange EM, Olson NC, Jenny NS, Cushman M, Deichgraeber P, Grarup N, Jonsson A, Hansen T, Mychaleckyj JC, Psaty BM, Reiner AP, Tracy RP, Lange LA. Circulating soluble CD163, associations with cardiovascular outcomes and mortality, and identification of genetic variants in older individuals: the Cardiovascular Health Study. JAHA 2022 Nov;11(21):e024374. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.121.024374.

Hermann EA, Lee B, Balte PP, Xanthakis V, Kirkpatrick BD, Cushman M, Oelsner E. Association of Symptoms After COVID-19 Vaccination With Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Response in the Framingham Heart Study. JAMA Netw Open 2022 Oct 3;5(10):e2237908. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.37908.

Gaziano L, Sun L, Arnold M…. Cushman M, …. Butterworth AS, Wood AM, Di Angelantonio E;, Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration/EPIC-CVD/Million Veteran Program. Mild-to-Moderate Kidney Dysfunction and Cardiovascular Disease: Observational and Mendelian Randomization Analyses. Circulation 2022 Nov 15;146(20):1507-1517. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.122.060700.

Pankratz N, Wei P, Brody JA, Chen MH, Vries PS, Huffman JE, Stimson MR, Auer PL, Boerwinkle E, Cushman M, Maat MPM, Folsom AR, Franco OH, Gibbs RA, Haagenson KK, Hofman A, Johnsen JM, Kovar CL, Kraaij R, McKnight B, Metcalf GA, Muzny D, Psaty BM, Tang W, Uitterlinden AG, Rooij JGJ, Dehghan A, O'Donnell CJ, Reiner AP, Morrison AC, Smith NL. Whole exome sequencing of 14 389 individuals from the ESP and CHARGE consortia identifies novel rare variation associated with hemostatic factors. Hum Mol Genet 2022 Sep 10;31(18):3120-3132. doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddac100.

Pothineni NVK, Soliman EZ, Cushman M, Howard G, Howard VJ, Kasner SE, Judd S, Rhodes JD, Marchlinski F, Deo R. Continuous cardiac rhythm monitoring post-stroke: A feasibility study in REGARDS.  J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 2022 Nov;31(11):106662. doi: 10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2022.106662.

Sapa H, Gutiérrez OM, Shlipak MG, Katz R, Ix JH, Sarnak MJ, Cushman M, Rhee EP, Kimmel PL, Vasan RS, Schrauben SJ, Feldman HI, Seegmiller J, Brunengraber H, Hostetter TH, Schelling JR; the CKD Biomarkers Consortium. Association of uremic solutes with cardiovascular death in diabetic kidney disease. Am J Kidney Dis 2022 Oct;80(4):502-512.e1. doi: 10.1053/j.ajkd.2022.02.016.

Lutsey PL, Zakai NA. Epidemiology and prevention of venous thromboembolism. Nat Rev Cardiol. 2022 Oct 18;1-15. doi: 10.1038/s41569-022-00787-6.

Gilchrist SC, Bennett A, Judd SE, Akinyemiju T, Howard VJ, Hooker SP, Cushman M, Diaz KM. Sedentary Behavior and Physical Functioning in Middle-Aged and Older Adults Living in the U.S. The REGARDS Study. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2022 Nov 1;54(11):1897-1903. doi: 10.1249.MSS.0000000000002983

Pejaver V, Byrne AB, Feng BJ, Pagel KA, Mooney SD, Karchin R, O’Donnell-Luria A, Harrison SM, Tavtigian SV, Greenblatt MS, Biesecker LG, Radivojac P, Brenner SE, ClinGen Sequence Variant Interpretation Working Group. Calibration of computational tools for missense variant pathogenicity classification and ClinGen recommendations for PP3/BP4 criteria. Am J Hum Genet. 2022 Nov 18;S0002-9297(22)00461-X. doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2022.10.013.

Rugo HS, Im SA, Cardoso F, Cortes J, Curigliano G, Musolino A, Pegram MD, Bachelot T, Wright GS, Saura C, Escriva-de-Romani S, De Laurentiis M, Schwartz GN, Pluard TJ, Ricci F, Gwin WR, Levy C, Brown-Glaberman U, Ferrero JM, de Boer M, Kim SB, Petrakova K, Yardley DA, Freedman O, Jakobsen EH, Gal-Yam EN, Yerushalmi R, Fasching PA, Kaufman PA, Ashley EJ, Olle PR, Hong S, Rosales MK, Gradishar WJ, SOPHIA Study Group. Margetuximab Versus Trastuzumab in Patients with Previously Treated HER2-Positive Advanced Breast Cancer (SOPHIA): Final Overall Survival Results From a Randomized Phase 3 Trial. J Clin Oncol. 2022 Nov 4;JCO2102937. doi: 10.1200/JCO.21.02937.

Soucie JM, Binh L, Dupervil B, Poston JN. Prevalence of comorbid conditions among older males with haemophilia receiving care in haemophilia treatment centers in the United States. Haemophilia 2022 Nov;28(6):986-995. doi: 10.1111/hae.14647.

Division of Immunobiology

Teuscher C. Revisiting the edge of chaos: Again? Biosystems. 2022 Aug;218:104693. doi: 10.1016/j.biosystems.2022.104693. Epub 2022 May 14. PMID: 35580817

Sabikunnahar B, Lahue KG, Asarian L, Fang Q, McGill MM, Haynes L, Teuscher C, Krementsov DN.  Sex differences in susceptibility to influenza A virus infection depend on host genotype.   PLoS One. 2022 Sep 16;17(9):e0273050. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0273050. eCollection 2022. PMID: 36112601Shrestha L,

Lin MJ, Xie H, Mills MG, Mohamed Bakhash SA, Gaur VP, Livingston RJ, Castor J, Bruce EA, Botten JW, Huang ML, Jerome KR, Greninger AL, Roychoudhury P.  Clinical Performance Characteristics of the Swift Normalase Amplicon Panel for Sensitive Recovery of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Genomes. J Mol Diagn. 2022 Sep;24(9):963-976. doi: 10.1016/j.jmoldx.2022.05.007. Epub 2022 Jul 18. PMID: 35863699     

Collins CC, Hahn P, Jiang Z, Fitzgerald KA, Xiao TS, and Budd RC.  Regulation of Synovial gamma delta T Cell Ligand Expression by Mitochondrial Reactive Oxygen Species and Gasdermin-D.  J Immunology – recently accepted.

Abbas Raza, Sean A. Diehl, Laure K. Case, Dimitry N. Krementsov, Dawei Li, Jason Kost, Robyn L. Ball, Elissa J. Chesler, Vivek M. Philip, Rui Huang, Yan Chen, Runlin Ma, Anna L. Tyler, J. Mathew Mahoney, Elizabeth P. Blankenhorn, Cory Teuscher. Genetic Analysis of Bphse: a Novel Gene Complementing Resistance to Bordetella pertussis-Induced Histamine Sensitization; bioRxiv 2021.08.18.456822; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.08.18.456822

Division of Infectious Disease

Hale AJ, Depo B, Khan S, Whitman TJ, Bullis S, Singh D, Peterson K, Hyson P, Catoe L, Tompkins BJ, Alston WK, Dejace J. The Impact of Standardized Infectious Diseases Consultation on Postsplenectomy Care and Outcomes; Open Forum Infec Dis. 2022 Jul 30;9(8):ofac380. Doi: 10.1093/ofid/ofac380. Ecollection 2022 Aug. PMID: 35983262

Bougioukas L, Noyes CD, Peterson K, Smith LM, Hale AJ. Successful treatment of rhino-cerebral mucormycosis with dual antifungal therapy and minimal surgical debridement; IDCases. 2022 Sep 6;30:e01615. Doi: 10.1016/j.idcr.2022.e01615.  ecollection 2022. PMID: 36119757

Hermann EA, Lee B, Balte PP, Xanthakis V, Kirkpatrick BD, Cushman M, Oelsner E. Association of Symptoms After COVID-19 Vaccination  With Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Response in the Framingham Heart Study;  JAMA Netw Open. 2022 Oct 3;5(10):e2237908. Doi 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.37908.  PMID: 36269359

Dejace J. The Role of the Infectious Disease Consultation in Lyme Disease; Infect Dis Clinic North AM. 2022 Sep;36(3): 703-718. Doi 10.1016/j.idc.2022.04.003.  PMID: 36116844

Polish L, O’Connell EM. European Haplotype of Echinococcus multilocularis in the United States; To The Editor; N ENGL J MED 387;20  Nov 17, 2022.

Gosselin J, Roy-Hewitson C, Bullis SSM, DeWitt JC, Soares BP, Dasari S, Nevares A. Neurosarcoidosis: Phenotypes, Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment. Curr Rheumatol Rep. 2022 Dec;24(12):371-382. doi: 10.1007/s11926-022-01089-z. Epub 2022 Oct 12. PMID: 36223002.

Crothers JW, Ross Colgate E, Cowan KJ, Dickson DM, Walsh M, Carmolli M, Wright PF, Norton EB, Kirkpatrick BD. Corrigendum to “Intradermal fractional-dose inactivated polis vaccine (flPV) adjuvanted with double mutant Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli heat labile toxin (dmLT) is well-tolerated and augments a systemic immune response to all three poliovirus serotypes in a randomized active-controlled trial”; Vaccine. 2022 Apr 31;40(25):3481. Doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2022.2.001.  Epub 2022 May 6  PMID 35534312

Crothers JW, Ross Colgate E, Cowan KJ, Dickson DM, Walsh M, Carmolli M, Wright PF, Norton EB, Kirkpatrick BD. Intradermal fractional-dose inactivated polis vaccine (flPV) adjuvanted with double mutant Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli heat labile toxin (dmLT) is well-tolerated and augments a systemic immune response to all three poliovirus serotypes in a randomized active-controlled trial; Vaccine. 2022 Apr 26;40(19):2705-2713. Doi: 10.1016 /j.vaccine.2022.3.056.  Epub 2022 Mar 30  PMID 35367069

Munday RM, Haque R, Jan JN, Wojcik GL, Marie C, Duchen D, mentzer AJ, Nayak U, Korpe P, Kirkpatrick BD. Genome-Wide Association Study of Campylobactor-Positive Diarrhea Identifies Genes Involved inToxin Processing and Inflammatory Response; mBio. 2022 Jun 28;13(3):e0055622/  doi: 10.1128/mbio.005-22. Epub 2022 Apr 14.  PMID: 35420468

Browne EN, Brown ER, Palanee-Phillips T, Reddy K,Naidoo L, Jeearain N, Nair G, Husnik MJ, Singh D, Scheckter R, Soto-Torres L, Baeten JM, van der Straten A; MTN-020/ASPIRE Study Team. Patterns of Adherence to a Dapivirine Vaginal Ring for HIV-1 Prevention Among South African Women in a Phase III Randomized Controlled Trial. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2022 Aug 1;90(4):418-424 doi 10.109/QAI.0000000002990. PMID 35344520

Etima J, Katz AWK, Duby Z, Garcia M, Palanee-Phillips T, Reddy K, Mathebul F, Zimba C, Mansoor LE, Singh D, Manengamambo E, Naidoo S, Soto-Torres L, Montgomery ET: MTN=020/ ASPiRE MTN 025/HOPE, MTN-032 Study teams.  Does the Ring Work? Perceptions and Understanding of the efficacy of a Dapivirine Vaginal ring for HIV Prevention Amongst Women in a Placebo-Controlled Trial;  AIDS Behav. 2022 May;26(5):1597-1606. Doi:  10.1007 /s10461-021-06512-5. Epub 2021 Nov 2.   PMID: 34727272

Amato S, Vogt A, Sarathy A, Lahey T, Osler T, Hosmer D, Bliss S, Bruzzese C, An G, Erb AL, Malhotra A. Frequency and Predictors of Trauma Transfer Futility to a Rural Level I Trauma Center. Journal of Surgical Research 2022; 279: 1-7. PMID: 35716445

Hughes SM, Levy CN, Katz R, Lokken EM, Anahtar MN, Hall MB, Bradley F, Castle PE, Cortez V, Doncel GF, Fichorova R, Fidel PL Jr, Fowke KR, Francis SC, Ghosh M, Hwang LY, Jais M, Jespers V, Joag V, Kaul R, Kyongo J, Lahey T, Li H, Makinde J, McKinnon LR, Moscicki AB, Novak RM, Patel MV, Sriprasert I, Thurman AR, Yegorov S, Mugo NR, Roxby AC, Micks E, Hladik F; Consortium for Assessing Immunity Across the Menstrual Cycle. Changes in concentrations of cervicovaginal immune mediators across the menstrual cycle: a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data. BMC Med. 2022 Oct 5;20(1):353. doi: 10.1186/s12916-022-02532-9. PMID: 36195867.

Gau J, Nwora C, Eldakar-Hein S, Sanghavi M, Lahey T, Repp AB. “Things We Do for No Reason: Routine Inclusion of Race in the History of Present Illness” J Hosp Med 2022;17:123–126. Doi:10.12788/jhm.3650  (no PMID)

Division of Nephrology

Prikis M, Cameron A. Paxlovid (Nirmatelvir/Ritonavir) and Tacrolimus Drug-Drug Interaction in a Kidney Transplant Patient with SARS-2-CoV infection: A Case Report. Transplant Proc. 2022 Jul-Aug;54(6):1557-1560. doi: 10.1016/j.transproceed.2022.04.015. Epub 2022 May 20. PMID: 35599203; PMCID: PMC9119725.

Onuigbo MA. A Four-Year Report on Renal Outcomes Following the Elective Withdrawal of Long-Term Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone Blockade in a Cohort of Patients With Otherwise Inexplicable New-Onset and Progressive Acute Kidney Injury. Cureus 14(10): (October 28, 2022) e30794. doi:10.7759/cureus.30794


Onuigbo MA, Bowman N, Cobb N, George A, O’Driscoll S, Thomas K, Locke A, Vila-Beamonte P. Mechanical Rotatory Method of Anticoagulation-Free Hemodialysis Using a Hemodialysis Filter Rotator With the NxStage Hemodialysis Machine: A UVMMC-UVM Burlington VT Research Collaboration Effort. J Am Soc Nephrol 33: 2022. PUB084.

Onuigbo MAMarineci SPrikis M. Preemptive Living Kidney Transplantation in Asymptomatic CKD Stage 4 With Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease: To Transplant or Not to Transplant? That Is the Question. J Am Soc Nephrol 33: 2022. PUB309.

Jensen C, Geraci C, Onuigbo MA. Pregnancy-Associated Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome: Two Case Series From the University of Vermont Medical Center. J Am Soc Nephrol 33: 2022. PUB309.

Onuigbo MA. Four-Year Report on Renal Outcomes Following Elective Withdrawal of Long-Term RAAS Blockade in a Cohort of Patients With Otherwise Inexplicable New-Onset and Progressive AKI. J Am Soc Nephrol 33: 2022. TH-PO053 Poster.

Morrison-Nozik J, Prikis M, Malinis M, Kumar A. Organ Discards Rates a Year After Change in Increased Risk Definition for Organ Allocation. J Am Soc Nephrol 33: 2022. SA-PO837 Poster.

Bergeron J, Damon C, Meagher S, Cheung KL. Validity and Practice Patterns of Mortality Risk Prediction Tools in Dialysis Patients. J Am Soc Nephrol 33: 2022. TH-PO795 Poster.

Cheung KL, Renteria MA, Callas PW, Tamura M, Gutierrez OM, Cushman M. Cognitive Impairment and Trajectories in CKD: The REGARDS Study. J Am Soc Nephrol 33: 2022. TH-PO774 Poster.

Division of Pulmonary Disease and Critical Care Medicine

Weintraub, Z., Menson, K. (2022). Host-Directed Therapy. In: Teneback, C.C., Garcia, B. (eds) Bronchiectasis. Respiratory Medicine. Humana, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007     

Shrestha L, Lin MJ, Xie H, Mills MG, Mohamed Bakhash SA, Gaur VP, Livingston RJ, Castor J, Bruce EA, Botten JW, Huang ML, Jerome KR, Greninger AL, Roychoudhury P. Clinical Performance Characteristics of the Swift Normalase Amplicon Panel for Sensitive Recovery of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Genomes. J Mol Diagn. 2022;24(9):963-76. Epub 2022/07/22. doi: 10.1016/j.jmoldx.2022.05.007. PubMed PMID: 35863699; PMCID: PMC9290336.

Johnson O, Gerald LB, Harvey J, Roy G, Hazucha H, Large C, Burke A, McCormack M, Wise RA, Holbrook JT, Dixon AE. An Online Weight Loss Intervention for People With Obesity and Poorly Controlled Asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2022;10(6):1577-1586 e1573.

Dixon AE, Que LG. Obesity and Asthma. Semin Respir Crit Care Med. 2022.

Dixon AE, Que LG, Kalhan R, Dransfield MT, Rogers L, Gerald LB, Kraft M, Krishnan JA, Johnson O, Hazucha H, Roy G, Holbrook JT, Wise RA. Roflumilast May Increase Risk of Exacerbations When Used to Treat Poorly Controlled Asthma in People with Obesity. Annals of the American Thoracic Society. 2022.

Dixon AE, Carr TF, Que LG. Advances in Asthma. Semin Respir Crit Care Med. 2022;43(5):593-594.

Dixon AE, Que LG. Interplay Between Immune and Airway Smooth Muscle Cells in Obese Asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2022.

Kozik AJ, Holguin F, Segal LN, Chatila TA, Dixon AE, Gern JE, Lozupone C, Lukacs N, Lumeng C, Molyneaux PL, Reisdorph N, Vujkovic-Cvijin I, Togias A, Huang YJ. Microbiome, Metabolism, and Immunoregulation of Asthma: An American Thoracic Society and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Workshop Report. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2022;67(2):155-163.

Quality Program

Hadley Strout EK, Wahlberg EA, Kennedy AG, Tompkins BJ, Sobel HG. A Mixed-Methods Program Evaluation of a Self-directed Learning Panel Management Curriculum in an Internal Medicine Residency Clinic. J Gen Intern Med. 2022 Jun 16. doi: 10.1007/s11606-022-07507-3. PMID: 35710657

Hale AJ, Depo B, Khan S, Whitman TJ, Bullis S, Singh D, Peterson K, Hyson P, Catoe L, Tompkins BJ, Alston WK, Dejace J. The Impact of Standardized Infectious Diseases Consultation on Postsplenectomy Care and Outcomes. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2022 Jul 30;9(8):ofac380. doi: 10.1093/ofid/ofac380. PMID: 35983262; PMCID: PMC9379811.

Jordan Bruno X, Koh I, Lutsey PL, Walker RF, Roetker NS, Wilkinson K, Smith NL, Plante TB, Repp AB, Holmes CE, Cushman M, Zakai NA. Venous thrombosis risk during and after medical and surgical hospitalizations: The medical inpatient thrombosis and hemostasis (MITH) study. J Thromb Haemost. 2022 Jul;20(7):1645-1652. doi: 10.1111/jth.15729. Epub 2022 Apr 27. PMID: 35426248; PMCID: PMC9247009.

Crocker A, Natkin L W, Callas P, Bonnell L, Clifton J, Hitt J, Littenberg B. (November 01, 2022) Intraclass Correlation and Variance in the Characteristics of Primary Care Patients Managing Chronic Medical and Behavioral Conditions. Cureus 14(11): e30970. doi:10.7759/cureus.30970

DeVoe SG, Kennedy AG, Tompkins BJ, Gagnon EL, Hitt JR, Parsons PE, Repp AB. Promoting scholarship in improvement science: a model for academic clinical departments. Learning Health Systems. Published online 02 September 2022. doi.org/10.1002/lrh2.10338

Peterson KL, Tompkins BJ, Ahern JW, Smith LM. The impact of a best practice advisory on inpatient prescribing of piperacillin-tazobactam. Antimicrob Steward Healthc Epidemiol. 2022 Mar 7;2(1):e36. doi: 10.1017/ash.2022.12. PMID: 36310781; PMCID: PMC9614824.

Rose GL, Bonnell LN, Clifton J, Natkin LW, Hitt JR, O'Rourke-Lavoie J. Outcomes of Delay of Care After the Onset of COVID-19 for Patients Managing Multiple Chronic Conditions. J Am Board Fam Med. 2022 Nov 17:jabfm.2022.220112R1. doi: 10.3122/jabfm.2022.220112R1. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36396416.

Rose GL, Weldon TL, McEntee ML, Hitt JR, Kessler R, Littenberg B, Macchi CR, Martin MP, Mullin DJ, van Eeghen C. Practice Integration Profile Revised: Improving Item Readability and Completion. Fam Syst Health. Accepted 05/23/2022.

Rusch C, Wood M, Kennedy AG, Tompkins BJ, Frasca JD. Rapid infusion of infliximab biosimilars and the incidence and severity of infusion-related reactions in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. J Clin Pharm Ther. 2022 Nov;47(11):1851-1857. doi: 10.1111/jcpt.13779. Epub 2022 Sep 22. PMID: 36134561.

Bergeron JM, Barrett TC,Repp AB. Culture negative endocarditis with Tropheryma whipplei. AIM Clinical Cases.2022;1:e220277. doi:10.7326/aimcc.2022.0277

Gergi M, Wilkinson K, Koh I, Munger J, Al-Samkari H, Smith NL, Roetker NS, Plante TB, Cushman M, Repp AB, Holmes CE, Zakai NA. The relative risk of bleeding after medical hospitalization: The Medical Inpatient Thrombosis and Hemorrhage (MITH) study. J Thromb Haemost., in press.

Division of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology

Maneval J, Bryant B, Ulano A, Waheed W, Nevares A. Isolated Myeloperoxidase-Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody-Associated Hypertrophic Pachymeningitis. J Clin Rheumatol. 2022 Apr 1;28(3):e672-e674. doi: 10.1097/RHU.0000000000001845. PMID: 35325906.

Nevares A, Yaseen K, Tamaki H, Bena J, Messner W, Villa-Forte A. Recurrence rate of venous thromboembolic events in granulomatosis with polyangiitis. Rheumatol Adv Pract. 2022 Jul 1;6(2):rkac058. doi: 10.1093/rap/rkac058. PMID: 35855108; PMCID: PMC9291358.

Bethina NK, Torralba KD, Choi KS, Fairchild RM, Cannella AC, Salto L, Kissin EY, Yinh J, Aggarwal M, Thiele R, Nishio MJ; for USSONAR. North American musculoskeletal ultrasound scanning protocol of the shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand: update of a Delphi Consensus Study. Clin Rheumatol. 2022 Dec;41(12):3825-3835. doi: 10.1007/s10067-022-06337-2. Epub 2022 Aug 26. PMID: 36008579.

Yaseen K,  Nevares A, Tamaki H. A Spotlight on Drug-Induced Vasculitis. Curr Rheumatol Rep. 2022 Nov;24(11):323-336. doi: 10.1007/s11926-022-01088-0. Epub 2022 Sep 21. PMID: 36129631.

Gosselin J, Roy-Hewitson C, Bullis SSM, DeWitt JC, Soares BP, Dasari S, Nevares A. Neurosarcoidosis: Phenotypes, Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment. Curr Rheumatol Rep. 2022 Dec;24(12):371-382. doi: 10.1007/s11926-022-01089-z. Epub 2022 Oct 12. PMID: 36223002.