The Vermont Regional Hemophilia Treatment Center (HTC) 

About the HTC

The Vermont Regional Hemophilia Treatment Center (HTC) is the only federally funded HTC in Vermont and serves both Vermont and upstate New York patients. It specializes in the treatment of all inherited and acquired bleeding disorders, including Hemophilia, von Willebrand Disease, platelet function disorders, and fibrinolytic disorders. Our mission is to provide high quality comprehensive care through treatment, education, and research to this rural population with the goal of empowering and improving the lives of those with a bleeding disorder.

Contact us

Hours: 8:30-5 M-F 
Location: 111 Colchester Ave 
Burlington, VT O5401
24 hours contact information:
Adult Hematology: (802) 847-8400
Pediatric Hematology: (802) 847-2850

Our Services

Comprehensive Care for Patients with Bleeding Disorders

We provide comprehensive care for all patients with bleeding disorders.  This care includes annual visits and an assessment of care needs including physical therapy, occupational therapy, social work, nursing and dental needs.  Providing comprehensive care allows patients to prevent long terms complications related to their disease and live their healthiest life. 

Coordination of Care

Procedural support: Our team will work with offices both in and outside of our network to create safe hemostasis action plans for procedures. This includes but is not limited to dental work, injections, orthopedics, and OB/GYN care. We meet quarterly with maternal fetal medicine to discuss high risk cases and to discuss in person delivery plans. Hemostasis action plans include pre procedural, during procedure, and post procedural care guidelines for your individual case.

Community support: Our hemophilia treatment center nurse is available to assist with education in the community, including individualized school/daycare teaches for children with bleeding disorders.

Women’s Hemostasis & Thrombosis Clinic (WHAT clinic)

The WHAT clinic focuses on the care of patients with bleeding and thrombosis disorders.  The clinic provides personalized care delivered by experts in the field with the goal of improving care, quality of life and the clinical experience for women. 

 Specific services include:

  •  Evaluation of bleeding and clotting conditions such as von Willebrand’s Disease, carriers of hemophilia A & B and women with thrombophilia (clotting tendencies)
  • Hematology treatment including management of acquired and inherited problems of hemostasis and thrombosis (bleeding  and clotting)
  • Pregnancy consultation and supportive care for women with thrombosis or bleeding disorders who are pregnant or planning a pregnancy
  • Consultation for menorrhagia evaluation
  • Consultation for contraceptive related options in patients with prior thrombosis or family history of thrombosis

Medication Management

• Our team works closely with specialty pharmacies to ensure efficient delivery of factor products delivered to the home for self-infusion. We offer education and support on self-infusion and work with the patient/family to ensure the safety and comfort of administration in the home setting. We also have our own 340B factor specialty pharmacy that supports our program by offsetting the cost of our HTC services. 



• Our program works with the American Thrombosis and Hemostasis Network to collect anonymous information on people with bleeding disorders in order to promote research and understanding of these very rare diseases.


Coagulation lab

The Coagulation and Special Coagulation sections are one of the region's foremost resources for coagulation studies. State of the art tests performed enhance diagnostic capabilities for congenital and acquired bleeding disorders, hypercoagulable evaluations, platelet disorders, and autoimmune coagulation disorders. The services provided by our laboratory support the Thrombosis and Hemostasis Program and our Hemophilia Treatment Center.

  • Routine coagulation including Protime, PTT, Fibrinogen, D-Dimer, and Mixing Studies
  • Therapeutic monitoring for low molecular weight and unfractionated heparin
  • Advanced coagulation testing including: coagulation factors, von Willebrand factor antigen and activity and thrombin time
  • Bethesda assays (measure the amount of factor specific inhibitor)
  • Advanced Hypercoagulability studies including: antithrombin III activity, functional protein C and protein S activity
  • Platelet dysfunction testing (PFA, platelet aggregation and secretion, platelet mapping)
  • Lupus anticoagulant cascade to detect antiphospholipid antibodies and interference
  • Use the thrombelastograph (TEG) analyzer to assist in the assessment of patient clinical hemostasis conditions in the operating room by providing a live quantitative and qualitative indication of the coagulation state of a blood sample



Coagulation Medical Director: Andrew Goodwin, MD
Manager: Cindy Nelson, MT (ASCP)
Supervisor: Lisa Reste, MT (ASCP)
Coagulation Technical Specialist: Kristin Lundy, CLS


Special Services

  • Home and school visits for teaching purposes on individual basis
  • Family education provided for newly diagnosed pediatric patients
  • Education provided to MD offices as needed
  • Coordination of care with regional hemophilia camps
  • 24 hour pediatric and adult assistance available via phone
  • Transition from pediatric to adult care






Conditions we treat

• Hemophilia A 
Click here for more information 

• Hemophilia B Click here for more information

• Von Willebrand Disease Click here for more information

• Other coagulation factor deficiencies (ex factor I, factor II, factor V, factor VII, factor X, factor XI, factor XII, factor XIII) Click here for more information

• Platelet disorders Click here for more information

• Fibrinolytic disorders (Pai-1 deficiency) Click here for more information

• Ehlers Danlos type IV Click here for more information

• Personal or family history of bleeding disorders



Chris Holmes, MD, PhD - Click here for Physician information

Martha Kirk, PA - Physican's assistant information coming soon

Neil Zakai, MD, MSc - Click here for Physician information

Julian Sprague, MD, PhD - Click here for Physician information

Karlyn Martin, MD, MS - Click here for Physician information

Jacqueline Poston, MD Click here for Physician information



Heather Bradeen, MD - Click here for Physician information

Jessica Heath, MD - Click here for Physician information

Caroline Hesko, MD Click here for Physician information

Matthew Shiel, MD Click here for Physician information