Weekly Wire Banner

October 12 - 18, 2020

The WeeklyWire is an official communication tool of the Larner College of Medicine. Student feedback led to its development and continues to inform iterative improvements. All non-curriculum-related email communications are directed through the Wire to help support manageable email inboxes for our students; it's your one-stop-shop for all med school happenings outside of the classroom! Please do not hesitate to contact the Office of Medical Student Education with any questions.

Weekly Wire Search

* = All postings flagged with an asterisk are not UVM-sponsored/endorse


All UVM students (including all medical students) rotating and/or living in Chittenden County who physically visit/access UVM-UVMMC campus(es), must be testing weekly during their time in Chittenden County and/or attending in-person curriculum, per the UVM COVID-19 Student Testing Protocol. All surveillance testing (i.e. not acutely ill) must occur at the UVM testing center. Compliance will be monitored.

Testing Protocol Compliance 

Testing compliance will be monitored. Students who fail to remain in compliance will be notified and referred to the Associate Dean for students. Noncompliance is considered an egregious offense when referencing the sanctioning guidelines. A first offense includes a $250 fine, and referral to the Committee on Fitness may be required. For a second missed test, student will be referred to the Committee on Fitness, which could result in an Administrative Leave of Absence or dismissal.

If you receive an email and believe it is in error, please do not hesitate to reach out to UVM Strong (and CC studentCOMservices). We are here to work with you and for you and support the rigorous protocol that is in place to ensure our campus and community remain safe.

Testing Information

  • "Testing Weekly" Defined: Students should test at the Davis Center clinic 7 days from their previous test to remain in compliance. There is a 48-hour grace period, meaning you can test 7-9 days from your most-recent test without being flagged for noncompliance. Students may also test earlier (i.e. 4-6 days from their most-recent test) to ensure compliance if/when adjusting for when you are able to visit the testing center. 
  • UVM Testing Center Hours: The Davis Center clinic is open for testing 9am - 7pm, M-Th, and 9am-5pm on Fridays.
  • Securing a Test: Walk-ins are no longer accepted at the clinic. Students must schedule tests via the CoVerified app/browser-based platform.
  • UVM ID Required: You must bring your UVM Student ID (CATCard) with you to your scheduled test.
  • Clinical Students Excused for Testing: The Clinical Level course directors support this protocol. They are aware of the weekly requirement and support students to be excused from their curriculum for 30 minute weekly testing windows. Please contact your level coordinator with any questions (Jacqueline Drouin, Clerkship LevelEmma Faustner, Advanced Integration Level).
  • Temporary Exemption Request Process: If you are going to be away for a week and will therefore miss their 7-9 day testing window (i.e. State-mandated quarantine, family emergency, one-week rotation outside of Chittenden County, etc.), you can submit a temporary exemption request form via go.uvm.edu/testtemp to ensure you are not flagged for noncompliance. Students should not step onto UVM/UVM Medical Center Campus(es) during an exemption window.
  • Fully-Remote/Off-Campus Students: If you are fully remote and do not need physical access to any part of campus for the fall 2020 semester, you may submit a request for COVID testing "full exemption"The exemption testing option is only available if you are not planning to step onto campus (UVM/UVMMC) at any point, during the fall 2020 semester.
  • Reminder Re: Vermont Travel Guidelines & an UPDATE Re: day-seven quarantine test: All students must still continue to adhere to state and local health and safety guidelines, including travel and quarantine requirements. If you enter a travel-mandated quarantine and you are not experiencing any symptoms, you may now secure your day-seven test via the Davis Center clinic (counts as your weekly test, too!) and then return to quarantine; you must secure a negative test result or reach day-14 of your quarantine prior to entering the community/returning to campus.



Class of 2021

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Deadline for submissions is 
7:00 AM EST, on Fridays,
for inclusion in the upcoming Monday issue,
unless noted otherwise.

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Housing Opportunities

Graduate students are highly sought tenants in the Burlington area and property owners often advertise specifically to them with special rates (less than would be offered to undergraduate students); thus, the Office of Medical Student Education pulls together a list of housing opportunities posted specifically for this group, so you don't miss out on a good deal. Moreover, medical students also try to keep good spaces "in the family" and are known to post to this list. Please contact the Office of Medical Education if you have any questions.

Don't hesitate to ask the contact if they would consider lowering the advertised rate to secure a graduate student; it never hurts to ask!

Lost & Found

Lost something? Email the Office of Medical Student Education (OMSE) a description of the item. OMSE and the Dana Medical Library recently joined the UVM campus-wide lost & found system and search not only the College of Medicine, but campus as a whole to see if it's been turned in. If it hasn't, the office can file a claim for the item should someone turn it in soon!

Found something? Please turn it into either the Office of Medical Student Education (Given Courtyard n100) or the Dana Medical Library (First floor of the Medical Education Center) and we will be sure to log it into the Campus-Wide Lost & Found Database.

Found items are kept up to 30 days, and then are donated to various local organizations depending on the item.