Baby Andrew coos contentedly while Varsha Pudi ’27 listens to his heart, feels his abdomen, and looks inside his ear with an otoscope.
This is Andrew’s six-month checkup, a time for the pediatrician to scan his growth and talk with his parents about his eating, sleeping, and development.
This is Pudi’s third session of Doctoring In Vermont, an eight-session course that spans the first and second year of the medical school curriculum.
Pudi listens and learns as Hannah Johnson, M.D. ’20, confers with Andrew’s parents. Johnson, a pediatrician at Essex Pediatrics in Essex Junction, Vt., serves as Pudi’s preceptor. “The experience has been fun and interesting,” Pudi says. “A physical exam on a newborn, infant, or toddler is very different than an adult because they move around a lot and are significantly smaller… Reassuring parents about their child’s health is very different than the practice of medicine with adult patients.”