Vermont Health Commissioner Mark Levine Retiring in March, Vermont Public Reports
February 7, 2025(FEBRUARY 7, 2025) Vermont Health Commissioner Mark Levine, M.D., professor of medicine and associate dean for graduate medical education, is retiring from his role leading the Vermont Department of Health, effective at the end of March, Vermont Public reports.Read full story from Vermont Public -
Burlington Free Press Covers Wolfson, Malhotra Investigation into Fentanyl vs. Ketamine for the DoD
February 5, 2025(FEBRUARY 5, 2025) Daniel Wolfson, M.D., M.S., associate professor of emergency medicine, and Ajai Malhotra, M.D., professor of surgery, spoke with the Burlington Free Press about their DoD-funded research into fentanyl vs. ketamine.Read full story from Burlington Free Press -
Madsen Quoted in HealthDay Story on Beta Blocker Lowering Women’s Migraine Stroke Risk
February 3, 2025(FEBRUARY 3, 2025) Tracy Madsen, M.D., Ph.D., associate professor of emergency medicine and vice chair of research at the Larner College of Medicine, was quoted in a HealthDay story about new research indicating that a common drug used to prevent migraines might have the additional benefit of protecting women against stroke.Read full story from HealthDay -
Jain Quoted in Yahoo Article on Post-Holidays Illness Uptick
January 31, 2025(JANUARY 31, 2025) Raj Jain, M.D., a family medicine resident at Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital, was quoted in a Yahoo story on an uptick in illness following the holiday season.Read full story from Yahoo -
Times Argus Announces Prelock Online Teaching Award Winner Langdon Lawrence
January 28, 2025(JANUARY 28, 2025) The Barre-Montpelier Times Argus has announced Langdon Lawrence, M.D., M.P.H., education assistant professor of medicine in the Division of Public Health, as a recipient of the 2024 Prelock Online Teaching Award.Read full story from Barre-Montpelier Times Argus -
Burlington Free Press Reports Three Larner Faculty Joining UVMHN Board
January 28, 2025(JANUARY 28, 2025) Three Larner College of Medicine faculty members—Dragos Banu, M.D., Sarah Harm, M.D., M.S., and Heidi Melbostad, Ph.D., M.A., M.S.—have joined the UVM Health Network Board of Trustees, the Burlington Free Press reports.Read full story from Burlington Free Press -
WCAX Interviews Bell About Sudden Unexpected Infant Death Risk in Vermont
January 27, 2025(JANUARY 27, 2025) Rebecca Bell, M.D., associate professor of pediatrics, spoke with WCAX-TV about a new report on sudden unexpected infant death risks in Vermont.Read full story from WCAX-TV -
O’Reilly Details Health Insurance Denials in Guardian Article
January 25, 2025(JANUARY 25, 2025) Larner Associate Professor of Pediatrics Deirdre O’Reilly, M.D., M.P.H., was quoted in a Guardian story about health insurance denials.Read full story from The Guardian -
Meyer Comments to WCAX on Vermont’s ‘A’ Grade from March of Dimes
January 21, 2025(JANUARY 21, 2025) Marjorie Meyer, M.D., professor of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive sciences and division chief of maternal fetal medicine, commented to WCAX-TV on Vermont being the only U.S. state to receive an “A” grade on the annual March of Dimes Report Card for maternal and infant health care.Read full story from WCAX-TV -
Schneider Disputes GMCB ‘Productivity’ Recommendation in VTDigger Commentary
January 20, 2025(JANUARY 20, 2025) In a recent opinion piece in VTDigger, David Schneider, M.D., Larner professor of medicine and UVMHN director of cardiovascular services, takes issue with a Green Mountain Care Board recommendation that “we should reduce time spent on activities not directly related to patient care.”Read full story from VTDigger -
Vermont Public Features Kenny Interview on Medicaid Coverage for Doula Services
January 17, 2025(JANUARY 17, 2025) Bronwyn Kenny, M.D., assistant professor of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive sciences, spoke to Vermont Public about the possibility of Medicaid coverage for doula services in Vermont.Read full story from Vermont Public -
O’Reilly Quoted in Burlington Free Press Story on Vermont’s ‘A’ Grade for Maternal and Infant Health
January 17, 2025(JANUARY 17, 2025) Neonatologist and Larner Associate Professor of Pediatrics Deirdre O’Reilly, M.D., M.P.H., was quoted in a Burlington Free Press article about Vermont’s “A” grade for maternal and infant health on the 2024 March of Dimes Report Card.Read full story from Burlington Free Press -
Gennari Discusses Importance of Advance Health Care Directive in Vermont Public Story
January 16, 2025(JANUARY 16, 2025) Amelia Gennari, M.D., Larner associate professor of geriatric medicine and associate chief for clinical affairs for the Division of Geriatrics at the University of Vermont Medical Center, spoke with Vermont Public about the importance of having an Advance Health Care Directive.Read full story from Vermont Public -
Seven Days Features Houser’s ‘New Model for Health Care Delivery’ for Neurodivergent Patients
January 15, 2025(JANUARY 15, 2025) Melissa Houser, M.D.’12, a neurodivergent family physician specializing in providing primary care to neurodivergent children and entire families, spoke with Seven Days about their medical practice, All Brains Belong VT.Read full story from Seven Days -
Sector Reports on Copeland Study Suggesting Children May Not Be as Resilient as Previously Thought
January 13, 2025(JANUARY 13, 2025) The Sector reported that new work led by Larner Professor of Psychiatry William Copeland, Ph.D., challenges the narrative that children are inherently resilient beings—that they can recover from tragedy or difficulties with ease and without consequence.Read full story from The Sector -
Lidofsky Pens VTDigger Commentary on the Value of Clinicians’ Work
January 13, 2025(JANUARY 13, 2025) In a recent commentary in VTDigger, Steven Lidofsky, M.D., Ph.D., Larner professor of medicine and pharmacology and director of hepatology at the UVM Medical Center, says “the value of work performed by clinicians cannot be quantified as goods and services.”Read full story from VTDigger -
Cushman Explains Deep Vein Thrombosis in Woman’s World Article
January 13, 2025(JANUARY 13, 2025) Hematologist Mary Cushman, M.D., M.Sc., University Distinguished Professor of Medicine and Pathology & Laboratory Medicine at the Larner College of Medicine and medical director of the Thrombosis and Hemostasis Program at the University of Vermont Medical Center, spoke with Woman’s World about deep vein thrombosis (DVT).Read full story from Woman’s World -
King Talks Telehealth Accessibility in WCAX Interview
January 8, 2025(JANUARY 8, 2025) Roz King, M.S.N., RN, CNL, division chief of emergency medicine research at the University of Vermont, spoke with WCAX-TV about research into setting up telehealth services in rural libraries.Read full story from WCAX-TV -
NBC5 Covers Landry Welcoming Breast Cancer Survivor at Vt. Stop on Nationwide Tour
January 8, 2025(JANUARY 8, 2025) Clinical breast oncologist and cancer geneticist Kara Landry, M.D., assistant professor of medicine at the Larner College of Medicine and a medical oncologist at UVMMC, spoke with NBC5 for a story about a breast cancer survivor’s visit to Vermont.Read full story from NBC5 -
Levine, Tandan Interviewed by Vermont Public about State ALS Rates
January 7, 2025(JANUARY 7, 2025) Vermont Health Commissioner Mark Levine, M.D., and Rup Tandan, M.D., professor of neurological sciences, commented for a Vermont Public story about the number of Vermonters with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, or ALS.Read full story from Vermont Public