May 4, 2022 | Volume IV, Issue 9
Larner Celebrates Professionalism with 2022 Awards Ceremony
“Going above and beyond” and consistently demonstrating kindness, compassion and respect were common accolades in the nomination letters for the 2022 Dean’s Awards for Professionalism recipients. On May 3, the Larner College of Medicine marked the third anniversary of the formal introduction and celebration of the College’s Statement on Professionalism at a virtual awards presentation ceremony.
“Professionalism isn't defined by how you look or where you're from . . . it's how you treat others,” said Dean Richard L. Page, M.D., in his opening remarks at the event.
Nominations Review Committee Chair Jennifer Gilwee, M.D., a past Faculty Award recipient and associate professor of medicine, told attendees that there were significantly more nominations this year than last year - and that she expected nominations would increase in the years to follow.
Awards and their respective recipients recognized at the event included:
- Medical Student Award: Richard Brach, Class of 2022
- Graduate Student Award: Trevor Wolf, Ph.D. Candidate, Cellular, Molecular and Biomedical Sciences
- Staff Award: Mindy Bean, Administrator, Department of Pediatrics
- Faculty Award: Nathalie Feldman, M.D., Director of the Learning Environment, Interim Associate Dean for Admissions, and Associate Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences
Read the full article about the Professionalism Awards event, including a list of all nominees.
Pictured above (left to right): Trevor Wolf, Mindy Bean, Richard Brach, and Dr. Feldman.

Inaugural UVM Research Week Features Larner Faculty and Trainee Investigators
In celebration of its standing as a top 100 public research university, the University of Vermont held its first “Research Week” April 18 to 22 to showcase the work of faculty, student and trainee investigators. The week’s events included a Research Resource Fair, UVM Innovations’ annual Invention to Venture (I2V) Conference, a two-day Student Research Conference, and a Postdoctoral Research Conference.
An impressive list of Larner faculty inventors received recognition for patents and licenses at I2V, which took place April 20 at Hula, a technology-driven co-working campus in Burlington’s South End.
The university’s annual Student Research Conference, launched in 2007, also took place during Research Week in a hybrid format, with posters available for viewing online and in-person oral presentations in the Davis Center.
The week’s events concluded with UVM’s inaugural Postdoctoral Research Conference, a showcase of postdoctoral research presented by the UVM Postdoctoral Association and the Office of the Vice President for Research. Postdoctoral Association co-chair Brandon Bensel, Ph.D., postdoc working with David Warshaw, Ph.D., University Distinguished Professor and chair of molecular physiology and biophysics, said the event’s two-fold goal was to provide opportunities for peer-to-peer professional networking and a chance for the UVM community to view the type and quality of research done by postdocs.
Pictured above: UVM Master of Public Health student Madaline Schmidt (left) and Cellular, Molecular, and Biomedical Sciences doctoral graduate student Hannah Despres stand next to a screen displaying a slide from Schmidt’s presentation during the Student Research Conference.”
Dixon Named 2022-23 University Scholar
Anne Dixon, M.A., BM BCh, professor of medicine, has been named one of four 2022-2023 University Scholars. The University Scholars program recognizes distinguished University of Vermont faculty members for sustained excellence in research, scholarship, and creative arts. In addition to Dr. Dixon, Emily Bernard, Ph.D., professor of English, Jan Fook, Ph.D., professor and chair of social work, and Beverly Wemple, Ph.D., professor and chair of geography, were named as 2022-23 University Scholars.

I don’t know if there are even the right words to say, but I would thank them from the bottom of my heart for choosing organ donation because it saved my husband’s life.”
– Magan Brown, wife of UVM Medical Center kidney transplant recipient and lupus patient James Brown.
Pictured at left: The Brown family (Courtesy photo)

Mindy Bean, Department of Pediatrics Administrator
Compassion, integrity, cultural humility, kindness, respect: These words describe both Mindy Bean’s character and the traits that propel her colleagues to seek out her assistance and support. These qualities, along with her teamwork, inclusivity, caring attitude and leadership skills, earned Bean the 2022 Larner College of Medicine Dean’s Professionalism Staff Award.
Bean, who is a UVM undergraduate alum, joined the Department of Pediatrics in 2015 as a business/accounting specialist after working for several local nonprofit organizations. In 2020, she was promoted to department administrator, gaining responsibility for the department’s finances, grants management, and human resources. She enjoys interacting with her suite co-workers and collaborating with colleagues in other Larner departments.
“I really appreciate and love being able to reach out to someone in a different area and learn from them," said Bean, adding, “We all have different strengths and can give each other tips and tricks.”
Bean eagerly accepts challenges at work and takes initiative to complete projects says Chair of Pediatrics Lewis First, M.D., who nominated her for the award.
In his nomination, Dr. First wrote: “This past year was challenging for our department and … our Vermont Child Health Improvement Program (VCHIP) due to the retirement of its two senior leaders last summer. Ms. Bean eagerly stepped in and oversaw the program administratively until the new director started in February, and in doing so was able to help advance VCHIP’s mission by making sure grants, contracts, and other administrative duties of that program were attended to. She did this while running every other aspect of our department from recruitments to personnel issues to budgets and while still finding time for team building wellness activities that she orchestrates regularly for staff and faculty.”
UVM Staff Council also applauded Bean’s professionalism in 2020-21 with a Leadership, Engagement, Advocacy and Forward Looking (LEAF) Award, recognizing her excellent service to the university community and broad-minded, collaborative attitude.
Outside of work, Bean enjoys spending time with her newlywed spouse (they married in November) and their dog, Bartley, who she describes as “the best pooch in the whole wide world.” She likes reading about food, watching cooking shows, eating, and having dinner with friends and family.
Accolades & Appointments

Senior Associate Dean for Medical Education Christa Zehle, M.D., has announced the appointment of Leila Amiri, Ph.D., as the Larner College of Medicine's next associate dean for admissions. Dr. Amiri comes to Larner from the University of Illinois College of Medicine, where she is assistant dean for admissions and recruitment. Previously, she was director of admissions and financial aid for the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine. She holds a Ph.D. from Northcentral University, and M.A. and B.S. degrees from the University of South Florida. Dr. Amiri is a member of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Advancing Holistic Review in Alignment Working group, chair of the AAMC BA/MD Affiliate Group and team lead for the Central Region Committee on the AAMC Professional Development Initiative. Dr. Amiri will begin her new position at Larner on June 27.

Senior Associate Dean for Medical Education Christa Zehle, M.D., has announced the appointment of Karen George, M.D., M.P.H., as the next associate dean for students. Dr. George is currently clinical associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology at George Washington University and chair of the Council for Residency Education in Obstetrics and Gynecology (CREOG) of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Her work through CREOG is focused on creating national curricular materials for residents in obstetrics and gynecology in patient safety and quality improvement, health equity, and on improving diversity and inclusion in the specialty through participation in a national learning collaborative called “Equity Matters”. She also serves on the leadership team of a five-year American Medical Association Reimaging Residency grant, called “Right Resident, Right Program, Ready Day 1,” focused on improving the transition to residency. Dr. George served as director of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency Program at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center/Geisel School of Medicine for 17 years and is a course advisor and co-director of the Fourth Year Transition to Residency Course at George Washington University College of Medicine. She also serves as senior fellow of women’s health policy at the Institute for Medicaid Innovation. Dr. George received a B.S. degree from Bates College, M.D. from Ohio State University College of Medicine, and an M.P.H. from the Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice. She will begin her new position on August 1.
South Burlington High School senior Hiba Ali, a mentee of Yusuf Ali, Ph.D., assistant professor of molecular physiology and biophysics, is one of two Vermont students selected to compete in the International Science & Engineering Fair this May in Atlanta, Ga. Ali's selection occurred at the recent Vermont STEM Fair Competition where she presented a poster, titled "Coordination of Myosin Va Motors Within a Team During Cargo Transport." Ali also won the 2022 Vermont Brain Bee at the Larner College of Medicine in February and competed in the U.S.A. Brain Bee in March.

Cole Davidson, Ph.D., a 2022 doctoral degree recipient in the Cellular, Molecular and Biomedical Sciences program, has been appointed as a tenure-track assistant professor of molecular biology at Wartburg College in Waverly, Iowa. When he starts the position this fall, he will launch the Davidson Lab to study thyroid and pancreatic cancer with undergraduate students. While at the University of Vermont, Dr. Davidson conducted research with his mentor, Frances Carr, Ph.D., professor of pharmacology.

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Fang Y, Doyle MF, Alosco ML, Mez J, Satizabal CL, Qiu WQ, Lunetta KL, Murabito JM. Cross-Sectional Association Between Blood Cell Phenotypes, Cognitive Function, and Brain Imaging Measures in the Community-Based Framingham Heart Study. J Alzheimers Dis. 2022 Apr 15. doi: 10.3233/JAD-215533. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35431244.
Pulcini CD, Dubuque A, Lamberson M, Macy ML, Mistry RD, Pruitt CM, Schnadower D, Zorc JJ, Stevens MW. Pediatric Emergency Medicine Physicians' Perspectives on Emergency Care of Children With Medical Complexity: A Multi- institution Mixed-Methods Assessment. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2022 Apr 19. doi: 10.1097/PEC.0000000000002712. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35436769.
Walsh LE, Polacek LC, Panageas K, Reiner A, Walbert T, Thomas AA, Buthorn J, Sigler A, Prigerson HG, Applebaum AJ, Diamond EL. Coping with glioblastoma: prognostic communication and prognostic understanding among patients with recurrent glioblastoma, caregivers, and oncologists. J Neurooncol. 2022 Apr 18. doi: 10.1007/s11060-022-04010-x. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35437688.
Marquis T, Callas P, Schweitzer N, Bisanzo M, McGowan H, Sexton RJ, Pulcini CD. Characteristics of Children Boarding in Emergency Departments for Mental Health Conditions in a Rural State. Acad Emerg Med. 2022 Apr 19. doi: 10.1111/acem.14509. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35438820.
Caporizzo MA, Prosser BL. The microtubule cytoskeleton in cardiac mechanics and heart failure. Nat Rev Cardiol. 2022 Apr 19. doi: 10.1038/s41569-022-00692-y. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35440741.
Kellett KJ, Cardoso RB, da Silva Etges APB, Tsai MH, Waldschmidt BM. A Mobile App for the Precise Measurement of Healthcare Provider Activity Times to Support Time-Driven Activity Based Costing Studies. J Med Syst. 2022 Apr 20;46(6):30. doi: 10.1007/s10916-022-01819-x. PMID: 35445284.
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Steinmetz-Wood SN, Kennedy AG, Tompkins BJ, Gilbert MP. Navigating the Debate on Managing Large (≥4 cm) Thyroid Nodules. Int J Endocrinol. 2022 Apr 16;2022:6246150. doi: 10.1155/2022/6246150. PMID: 35469125; PMCID: PMC9034904.
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The Larner College of Medicine
at The University of Vermont
Copyright 2022