Barkhuff Interviewed on Vermont Public for Veterans Day Story

November 10, 2022 by Lucy Gardner Carson

(NOVEMBER 10, 2022) Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine Daniel Barkhuff, M.D., a Navy SEAL veteran and the founder and board president of Veterans for Responsible Leadership, was among veterans featured in a segment on Vermont Public's Vermont Edition program about deployment, return, and the transition to civilian life. (Click on headline for more.)

Dan Barkhuff, M.D., is a Navy SEAL veteran and the founder and board president of Veterans for Responsible Leadership.

(NOVEMBER 10, 2022) Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine Daniel Barkhuff, M.D., a Navy SEAL veteran and the founder and board president of Veterans for Responsible Leadership, was among veterans featured in a segment on Vermont Public's Vermont Edition program about deployment, return, and the transition to civilian life broadcast in honor of Veterans Day. The veterans shared stories of their military experiences and discussed support groups, friendships, and even book clubs that have helped them readjust to civilian life and connect to their communities.