May 16, 2022 by
Cardiovascular Research Institute of Vermont
Through its initiative to support research projects conceived and developed by early career investigators, the ECAC recently funded 5 research projects.
CVRI Early Career Advisory Committee
Early Career Advisory Committee Awards Funding to Support Trainee Research Projects (FY23)
Through its initiative to support research projects conceived and developed by early career investigators, the ECAC recently funded research applications from these trainees:
David Coggin-Carr, MD, PhD, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences (Ira Bernstein, MD, Nga Ling (Theresa) Ko, PhD, mentors)
Effects of low-frequency electroacupuncture on uterine arterial function in a high fat, high sucrose diet-induced rat model of maternal obesity
Margaret Infeld, MD, Department of Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine (Daniel Lustgarten, MD, PhD, mentor)
Efficacy of Atrial Anti-Tachycardia Pacing Based on Atrial Lead Position
Shanmugasundaram Nallasamy, DVM, PhD, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences (Ira Bernstein, MD, mentor)
The role of uterine type V collagen in the establishment of uterine-placentalvascular interface in mice
Margaret Phillips, PhD, Department of Pharmacology (Karen Glass, PhD, mentor)
Functional impact of histone post-translational modifications in endothelial damage
Lucy Pilcher, Cellular and Molecular Biomedical Sciences, Medicine (Jeffrey Spees, PhD, mentor)
Uncovering the role of Snord116 lncRNA in cardiac ischemic response and metabolism using living myocardial slices